Have questions about the new Covid-19 variant? The health department has many answers



What is the new variant of SARS-CoV-2?

This new variant of the virus was discovered through routine genomic surveillance for SARSCoV-2 carried out by a network of laboratories throughout the country (Red de Vigilancia Genómica SA, NGS-SA). The new variant has been identified in nearly 200 samples collected from more than 50 different health centers in the Eastern Cape, Western Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal. The new variant is different from the others circulating in SA because it has multiple mutations (changes) in the spike protein; This is the very important part of the virus that binds to the receptor on cells within our body and is also the main target for many of the antibodies produced during infection or after vaccination. Work is underway to understand what effect these mutations have on the behavior of the virus and our body’s response to it, particularly if it makes the virus spread more easily, if it could lead to a more serious Covid-19, and if the virus can evade our immune response.

What is the geographic distribution of this mutation?

The variant was first identified in Nelson Mandela Bay, but has spread rapidly throughout the rest of the Eastern Cape and into the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. Tests are being carried out in other provinces to understand the extent of the geographic spread, but it is likely that this variant has also spread to other provinces.

Is the new variant associated with an increase in the severity of the disease?

At this stage, there is no clear evidence that the new variant is associated with more severe disease or worse outcomes, but doctors are conducting further studies to establish whether this new variant changes the course of the disease.

Is it the same or different from the London variant?

It is definitely not the same variant, but there are similarities, as they both share the same change in the spike protein at position 501. What it does tell us is that if we don’t control the spread of the virus, it is likely to evolve in a similar way. in different parts of the world.

The new variant of infection leads to a higher viral load. Does this mean a higher transmission rate?

We don’t know for sure if it’s associated with a higher viral load, but some of our findings suggest that might be the case. We need to collect more information to help us understand this. Overall, there is some evidence that this new variant could be passed down more easily than other variants, although the mechanism for this has yet to be fully resolved.

Will this new variant make the second wave different from the first wave?

The role of the variant in the second wave is being examined. The second wave is the same as the first wave in many respects. The cause of Covid-19 remains the same: SARS-CoV-2. The virus still affects the same cells in the body and makes people sick in the same way. This second wave may be different in some ways; It may be that people who had the virus before it changed can now become infected with SARS-CoV-2 a second time. It may be that the virus spreads more easily or causes a slightly more serious infection. These are all questions that clinicians and scientists will ask and monitor.

Did these virus changes occur due to Matric Rage?

No, the changes to the virus were already detected long before Matric Rage. However, it is likely that Matric Rage helped spread the new variant of the virus.

Where did this new variant come from?

SARS-CoV-2, like all other viruses, mutates as a natural process. The new variant will have evolved naturally.

How long until there is more information on this mutation?

Several people are working around the clock to learn more about this and understand the significance of the find. We will post more information when it becomes available. It is also important to make it clear that this is a global effort and we will work with scientists around the world to understand the significance of this finding.
