‘God Bless America’: the world media reacts to Joe Biden’s victory in the US elections


  • The international media have highly praised Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the United States.
  • Kamala Harris earned a special mention for making history.
  • Many newspapers made reference to the unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud.

With headlines like “God Bless America,” powerful media outlets around the world welcomed the defeat of Donald Trump, but warned that President-elect Joe Biden faced enormous challenges in healing America.

LIVE | World leaders applaud the electoral victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

The international press also focused on the feat of Kamala Harris, Biden’s running mate who will become the first black vice president of the United States.

“A New Dawn for America,” read The Independent’s headline in Britain, showing a photo of Biden standing next to Harris and signaling his historic achievement.

The Sunday Times published a photo of a black woman draped in the American flag and the headline: “Sleepy Joe Wakes America Up”, mocking Trump using the derogatory nickname he had used for Biden.

The Sunday People tabloid shouted in capital letters: “GOD BLESS AMERICA.”


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The German mass market newspaper Bild published a photo of Trump with the headline: “Exit without dignity.”

“What a release, what a relief,” reported the left-leaning German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung.

But he noted that Biden “inherits a heavy burden” unlike any his predecessors faced, and cautioned that accepting Trump’s defeat was “unthinkable.”

In Australia, the Daily Telegraph tabloid, owned by Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, also focused on Trump’s expected defiance, describing it as a “hot ball of fury.”

“(Trump) will simply not accept the humiliation of being seemingly beaten up by an enemy that he perceived as weak and hardly worth showing up to fight,” he said.

Unsurprisingly, Iran’s ultra-conservative newspapers celebrated the fall of Trump, a leader who had pursued a policy of “maximum pressure” and punitive sanctions since withdrawing in 2018 from a landmark nuclear deal.

Still, they reserved little warmth for Biden. “The enemy without a mask left, the enemy in masks arrived,” the conservative publication Resalat warned.

Another issue was the false accusations of electoral fraud with the ultra-conservative media outlet Vatan-e Emrooz, apparently before Biden’s victory was announced, titled “The graveyard of democracy” and centered on false accusations.

Similarly, the Egyptian government daily al-Akhbar used a lengthy editorial to focus on the – unfounded – “violations” of the fraudulent vote, saying that “it is time for the United States to stop teaching us democracy lessons.”

Brazil’s mainstream media reported Trump’s defeat in the context of its own populist leader, Jair Bolsonaro, who has likewise sought to diminish democratic institutions and reject science-based facts.

“Trump’s defeat punishes attacks against civilization, it is a lesson for Bolsonaro,” wrote Folha de Sao Paulo, one of Brazil’s main daily newspapers.

“That the leaders of Brazil seize the spirit of the age, or die, like Trump, who is already too late.”

Spanish center-right newspaper El Mundo said Biden’s victory was a farewell to Trump’s populism and described Harris as a “symbol of renewal.”

Sweden’s leading daily, Dagens Nyheter, titled its editorial op-ed: “Bittersweet Victory: Biden Will Fight to Heal America.”

He described Biden’s vow to get back to normal as “mission impossible.”

“The election result shows a deeply divided country, and it will be difficult for Biden to carry out the reform program that he promised to his main voters,” the newspaper wrote.

The conservative Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet warned of the dangers posed by the many millions of Americans who will continue to believe Trump’s dangerous rhetoric that the election had been stolen.

“The elections are over, but the conflict continues,” read the headline.

“Half the country, at least half of those who voted, may have the feeling that something is very wrong after months of battles and voices questioning the elections itself. That the electoral system itself is manipulated and not he can be trusted. “

On a lighter note, the Ayrshire Daily News, whose patch covers the Trump Turnberry golf course in Scotland, looked at the result more locally.

“South Ayrshire Golf Club Owner Loses 2020 Presidential Election,” read its headline.

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