Former Zululander captures April’s supermoon on camera


Tuesday super full moon
PHOTO: Nobby Clarke

Former Zululander and professional photographer Nobby Clarke captured Tuesday night’s “pink moon” with striking clarity from his home in Gauteng.

It is said to be the biggest and brightest super moon of the year, unless there are no clouds, it was most visible in South Africa at 4.30 on Wednesday morning.

Super moons occur when the moon is within 90% of perigee, which is its closest approximation to Earth in orbit.

The name “pink moon” is said to come from the native wildflowers of North America that bloom in the northern hemisphere in the spring, which is April, around the same time as the supermoon.

The moon itself does not appear pink, but it may appear golden as it rises.

There are usually 12 full moons in a year because one occurs every month, but in 2020, October will have two full moons: one on October 1 and then again on October 31.

Two full moons in the same month are known as the “blue moon”.

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Tamlyn Jolly

