Eskom complied with a summons for criminal prosecution in c …


An Eskom researcher found that excess airborne particulate emissions of up to 10 times the permitted limit occurred over extended periods over the past two years at the Kendal power plant.

The Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Barbara Creecy, has revealed that on November 27 a subpoena was served on Eskom notifying him of the decision of the superior prosecutor to initiate criminal proceedings regarding air pollution by the Kendal power plant by Eskom.

This includes a charge of providing false and misleading information in reports prepared by management at the Kendal Power Plant to an air quality officer, who is a criminal. offense listed in Section 51 (1) (g) of the Air Quality Act. The subpoena orders Eskom’s representatives to appear before the Witbank Regional Court on January 28, 2021.

Internal investigation

This follows an internal investigation and report prepared by Eskom Audit and Forensic (A&F) on air quality reporting and compliance, initiated by Eskom CEO André de Ruyter on May 17, following the investigations. and EE Business Intelligence articles on these matters.

Eskom’s investigative report concludes that “allegations made by media personalities have primarily been proven to be true”, and that Eskom Generation management must pay attention to the reality of Kendal’s poor broadcast performance.

“The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) has not yet received the full report on Eskom’s internal investigation and findings regarding air quality compliance and reporting at the Kendal power plant. A full and detailed analysis of the full report is necessary for the department to understand the implications of its findings and how these may affect the action currently being taken against the power plant, ”Creecy commented.

Eskom’s internal investigation report highlights the false and misleading classification of regular, continuous, and extended air emissions violations above legal limits as exceedances of “Section 30” in reports to regulatory authorities. However, a Section 30 exceedance refers to a short-term exceedance that may occur in an incident or emergency situation, such as an unexpected, sudden and uncontrolled release of a hazardous substance, including from a major release, fire or explosion. .

Continue operating and reporting irregularities

Following extended periods of non-compliance for all six generating units at Kendal in 2018 and 2019, DEFF finally issued a Notice of Compliance to Eskom on December 10, 2019. The notice essentially forced Eskom to stop operating two units and ordered corrective actions to be taken, over time, to ensure operations are conducted in accordance with the Kendal Air Emissions License (AEL).

“Despite the above, however, some of Eskom’s units at this power plant have continued to operate in non-compliance, prompting the department to issue an additional warning on November 17, 2020,” Creecy said.

Following notification to Eskom and the Kendal Power Station of the incorrect classification of violations as Section 30 violations in their reports to regulatory authorities, the reports were amended and subsequently resubmitted in March 2020. However, The Eskom investigator discovered that the significant misleading and misleading reports identified in the original reports were perpetuated in the forwarded reports. The investigator concluded that this was a continuation of Kendal’s failure to apply a “duty of care”.

Breach of duty of care

The Eskom researcher found that air emissions of particulate matter are exceeded by up to 10 times the permitted limit of 100 mg / Nm3 It happened steadily for extended periods over the past two years at the Kendal Power Station, and this was having a very significant impact on people and the environment.

During the 12-month period from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020, the Eskom researcher identified continuous and near-daily exceedances in particulate emissions at the six generating units at the Kendal power plant in up to 13 times the legal particle emission limit.

Of the 1,308 days of leave of absence for the six units during this 12-month period, the investigator found that 325 days were reported as grace days, with the balance of 983 days reported as Section 30 incidents. The anomaly is that none of the The exceedances were reported as a legal infraction to the regulatory authorities.

The investigator noted that this was a breach of the duty of care required in Section 28 of the National Environmental Management Act (Nema) and, therefore, constituted a breach of Clause 4.2 of the Kendal Atmospheric Emissions License (AEL ). Therefore, Kendal would be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 28 of Nema.

The researcher concluded that: “The current state of operation of the plant and the continuous exceedance above the emission limit does not show any duty of care, or care for people and the environment, nor does it endorse Eskom’s values ​​of zero harm. and integrity ”.

Incompetence, negligence or willful misrepresentation?

One of the stated intentions of the investigation included determining whether any identified false and misleading information provided by Eskom to regulatory authorities and the public was the result of incompetence, negligence or willful misrepresentation on the part of the utility company and its officials.

Eskom has a Center of Environmental Excellence (CoE) made up of qualified and experienced people who have worked at Eskom for years. The Eskom researcher reported that “along with ongoing communication and training, there should be no excuse for any relevant person not to understand exceedance identification and reporting.” Therefore, there can be no suggestion of incompetence.

The investigation report, however, appears to find evidence of negligence, perhaps even criminal negligence, stating that “management continued to allow this vein of complaint without adequate measures to correct it,” and that “there should have been a generation and environmental management in terms of questioning the continuous exceedances in the levels reported and that were not identified, qualified or reported as contraventions ”.

However, it will be up to the courts to decide whether there has been deliberate criminal misrepresentation of violations in reports to regulatory authorities and the public by Eskom officials, and / or through specific actions and / or inactions by management and officials. Eskom officials. Megawatt Park and Kendal Power Station.

A legal hearing

“The findings and conclusions of this Eskom internal risk audit report are extremely puzzling, they come from a state body with a duty to care for the public and an obligation to protect people’s constitutional rights,” comments Timothy Lloyd, attorney and specialist in environmental law at the Center for Environmental Rights.

This is especially true in light of an April 2020 expert report that estimated that Kendal’s air pollution during this period of non-compliance was responsible for between 67 and 144 early deaths in 2018, and for 61 and 130 early deaths between November 2018 and October 2019.

“It is equally disturbing that this report is an illustration of, first, an illegal practice of deliberately concealing violations that are causing harm to people, and second, a broader problem of continuing license violations at power plants. Eskom coal power plants, 12 of which are in Mpumalanga Highveld.

“Eskom’s status as a ‘perpetual violator’ of its environmental licenses is well documented in the government’s own annual compliance and compliance reports, and in independent expert analyzes exposing thousands of air pollution limit exceedances in its fleet. of power plants, with little consequence to date.

“This risk audit report from Eskom not only justifies the government’s compliance enforcement action against the Kendal Power Plant earlier this year, but the evidence of blatant false reports, among other findings, clearly warrants criminal penalties as provided in our law. In addition, government authorities must urgently investigate the status of air quality compliance at Eskom’s other coal-fired power plants, including reporting practices at each plant. The rule of law must be upheld, without exception, ”Lloyd concludes.

Eskom Response

In response to Eskom’s internal investigation report, CEO De Ruyter indicated that Eskom had conducted a comprehensive investigation into allegations of non-compliance with emission standards at the Kendal power plant.

Eskom’s Bruce Moyo, general manager of a group of power plants including Kendal, provided EE Business Intelligence with details of an emissions reduction strategy roadmap and action plan for the six generating units in Kendal to be compliant. compliance by the end of July 2020.

“We have launched a comprehensive recovery program, overseen by a senior steering committee, to address the root causes of high emissions and we have already seen some improvements. We will continue to work hard to ensure that we can improve our emissions from our coal-fired power plants to ensure that we reduce our impact on the environment and human health, ”said De Ruyter. DM

Chris Yelland is Managing Director of EE Business Intelligence.

