Durban Child Begging Union Raises R2m Per Month


By Viasen Soobramoney Article publication time 1 hour ago

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Nearly 700 children in the eThekwini metropolitan area are believed to be part of extensive child begging networks that operate within the city, raising at least R2 million each month.

As South Africa’s 16-day campaign of activism for non-violence against women and children ends and the world observes International Human Rights Day today, IOL’s research, along with information from private investigators and a Durban NGO, has revealed rampant exploitation of children that involved parents and guardians renting their children to begging unions in the city.

Minor children, including newborns, are traded and used strategically in begging tricks that are part of a larger organized movement that perpetuates human trafficking, drug abuse, and sexual slavery.

Police have asked anyone with union-related information to come forward, hoping they can identify the masterminds behind the child trafficking scam.

“We urge those in possession of such information to contact the police, so that the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Crimes Unit can get on board,” said police spokesman Captain Nqobile Gwala.

Gail Elson, a spokesperson for the Durban NGO iCare, which has been working on the rehabilitation of street children for more than 18 years, said child begging networks were extensive and well organized.

“In the central area of ​​Durban alone, there are a large number of children who are used by these networks. The exploitation is absolutely happening on our streets and it is very organized. In fact, there are gangs that are formed in different areas and each one depends on a leader, ”Elson said.

He said that the children divided into several groups to strategically aim

* Income from begging

* Drug income

* Income from sexual exploitation

“We especially see an influx of children taking to the streets during the holiday season as unions seek to target the increase in tourists and vacationers,” Elson said.

Elson said that street children could earn a minimum of R70-100 a day begging, most of which was given to the leaders. On good days, the number could go from $ 150 to $ 50 a day. During the festive season and religious holidays, that could reach R700 per day.

A rough estimate based on an average of R100 a day for 700 street children revealed that begging rings could be raising more than R2 million a month across the city, of which almost none remain with the children.

Graphic: Keagan Le Grange / African News Agency (ANA)

Elson said that in some cases, once a child turns 18, they are no longer considered “valuable” and the union kicks them out or rejects them.

“When the child turns 18, his parents or guardians cannot benefit from a childcare grant. Alternatively, they cannot be trafficked to beg and are therefore considered of little value. The heartbreaking part of this is that these young people are supposed to be our future. Instead, due to circumstances, they are forced to take to the streets and have to learn to survive, ”Elson said.

During the investigation into the child begging ring, it was revealed that, in some cases, children from remote regions were brought into the city, provided areas to work and physically, emotionally and sexually abused.

One of the victims MESS He spoke to 14-year-old Sipho * (not his real name). Sipho has nowhere to go. His parents died when he was young, leaving him in the care of his aunt.

Graphic: Keagan Le Grange / African News Agency (ANA)

He was brought to Durban three years ago when he was 11 years old from Hambanathi, a township about 25 miles outside of Durban’s financial district by a man who had negotiated a rate with his aunt.

When he returned to Hambanathi after a year, his aunt had moved away, leaving him helpless and dependent on the streets to survive.

After a stint in a union, Sipho left due to abuse at the hands of her trafficker. It often moves between the beach and Sandile Thusi Road (Argyle Road).

“I used to make about R70 a day and I had to give it all to the boss. If I didn’t, they would beat me and rob me. Sometimes I have to do certain things for men (sexual acts) and they pay the boss. I would give myself an R10 or an R20. I would buy glue or food, ”Sipho said.

There was no protection from his “boss” or from the elements; his only possessions, a piece of cardboard and his glue.

But Sipho’s story is not unique, says private investigator Vis Munien.

In his more than 20 years as a private investigator, Munien has seen this script many times. He also knows begging networks well.

“Just because it’s not on TV or with a lot of publicity doesn’t mean it’s not happening. In my experience and working in various cases, these networks are operating throughout the city.

“I would say that, including the inner city and the suburbs, they are seeing approximately 700 children affected by this. It is very difficult to track though, ”Munien said.

He said that in most cases, traffickers misled children under false pretenses or took advantage of them because of their poor socioeconomic conditions.

Munien said she was surprised to discover the role of parents and guardians who use unions as a means of income.

“In essence, the parents and guardians of these victims play a role in the trafficking of their children. In some cases, they set a price or negotiate the terms. I’m not sure if any of them consider the risks involved.

“Your child could be raped or killed by joining these unions but, I suppose, for them the monetary value outweighs the illegality and the danger it represents for minors,” he said.

Munien said that economic power was always in the hands of the trafficker.

“From what I have gathered in my interviews with beggar children, the trafficker is a shadowy figure who claims between 80 and 90% of the income that the victim obtains through begging. In some cases, he takes everything and offers the victim only clothing or food. This is not always the case, and many traffickers use violent means to keep their victims under control, ”Munien said.

However, the municipality of eThekwini said it was not aware of the begging unions operating in the city. According to its statutes, begging was illegal.

“We are not aware of a union that operates in the city. The nuisances and behavior in the public statutes clearly state: No person may approach a pedestrian or a person inside a motor vehicle on any public road or public highway intersection or any other public place for the purpose of begging from said pedestrian or person in a motor vehicle. Therefore, it is illegal to solicit money by begging in our city, ”said eThekwini municipal spokesperson Msawakhe Mayisela.

The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Social Development said that while it was initially unaware of the unions, it would be investigating.

“The crimes are a violation of the rights of the child as described in Section 28 of the Constitution and also a violation of Section 284 of the Children’s Law with regard to child trafficking,” said spokesperson Mhlabunzima Memela.

“We urge anyone with information related to the investigation to contact the department of social development or the nearest police station.”

Memela said the department ran several programs to raise awareness and combat trafficking in children.

“There is a Provincial Plan for Child Protection and Care 365 Days that has key activities that are intended to raise awareness about child abuse, including child trafficking, by commemorating Child Protection Week, International Children’s Day. Child to guarantee the defense of the rights of the child at all times, the National Children’s Day that focuses on raising awareness about the measures implemented by the government to strengthen the protection of children and 16 Days of Non-Violence Activism against Women and children “.

He said there was also a Provincial Vacation Program Plan that included activities on life skills programs aimed at empowering children in all forms of abuse. It included trafficking in children and their rights, as well as existing protocols for the management of cases of child abuse, which included reports of child abuse and government services regarding survivors of child abuse and trafficking.
