Dlamini-Zuma’s words light up the song


“When people zol, they spit on paper, and then they share that zol,” Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma’s words are now the lyrics of the song.

FILE: New Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma. Image: Kayleen Morgan / EWN.

JOHANNESBURG – “Flick flick, (flame caused by lighter), inhale deeply and stand in line Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma” When people zol … “

So begins a song about what the minister said.

Many smokers are nervous after the government confirmed the ban on the sale of cigarettes, and the minister explained why she made this decision, using the word ‘zol’.

This gave music producer Max Hurrell the opportunity to light up social media with his creativity.

“When zol people, they put saliva on paper, and then they share that zol,” Dlamini-Zuma said at the time.

His words are now the lyrics of the song that is now in the top 50 of the streaming list on Apple Music. It’s also in the best trending videos on YouTube.

The rhythm is slow but strong and it even became a Tik Tok dance challenge.

But the fun did not stop there, the song reached the minister’s ears, who replied: “Who is this Max Hurrel guy? We just need to talk.

“Hello Minister, follow me so I can send you my details.” Hurrell said in his response.
