Coronavirus May Stay in Patients’ EYES for Weeks, Study Finds – The Sun


CORONAVIRUS could remain in patients’ eyes for weeks, according to a new study.

Researchers from Italy’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases found that the deadly virus can remain in a person’s eyes for up to 21 days after developing symptoms for the first time.

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    A new study has revealed that the coronavirus patient's eyes could be infected for up to 21 days.


A new study has revealed that the coronavirus patient’s eyes could be infected for up to 21 days.Credit: Getty Images – Getty

It comes after experts revealed that, along with the best-known signs of fever and a continuing new cough, red eyes can be a tell-tale symptom of Covid-19.

And researchers have now pointed out that this emphasizes how crucial it is to avoid touching your face and eyes to stop the spread of the disease.

Experts from Italy made their disclosure after treating a 65-year-old woman who had tested positive for coronavirus.

The patient had traveled from Wuhan, China, where the pandemic began in December, to Italy on January 23.

And five days after arriving in Italy, just a day after her symptoms began, the woman’s condition deteriorated and she was admitted to the hospital.

Infected fluid

The researchers noted that the woman had red, infected eyes, as well as the most typical signs of dry cough, sore throat, and nasal congestion.

Several days later he developed a fever and his eyes became significantly redder.

The team treating the patient began rubbing the woman’s eyes, taking samples of her eye fluid almost every day after that.

Each sample revealed genetic material (RNA) from the virus that causes Covid-19, also known as SARS-CoV-2.

The virus remained in the woman’s eyes for exactly three weeks, until she was discharged 21 days after being admitted to the hospital.

Despite this, the researchers examined her five days later and found that the virus had returned to her eye fluid.

    The most common signs of coronavirus in confirmed cases of Covid-19 from China until February 22, 2020
The most common signs of coronavirus in confirmed cases of Covid-19 from China until February 22, 2020

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The coronavirus still persisted in her eyes even days after her nasal swabs had no genetic material.

That suggested to researchers that the virus continued to make copies of itself in the woman’s eye fluid.

Writing in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the researchers noted that this means that the mucus and even tears from the woman’s eyes might be able to infect others, a phenomenon seen in patients with SARS.

The study authors wrote, “A related implication is the importance of proper use of personal protective equipment for ophthalmologists during the clinical examination, because the ocular mucosa can be not only a site of virus entry but also a source of contagion.” .

Perhaps even more importantly, they cautioned that conjunctivitis may be an early sign of coronavirus, as the symptom appeared days before the fever in the patient.

The eyes can be a virus entry site but also a source of contagion

ResearchersNational Institute of Infectious Diseases in Italy

This is not the first report of red eyes in patients with coronavirus.

A health worker at the Life Care Center in Washington last month told CNN that for her, the eyes were “the most important sign” that patients had Covid-19, which had killed 35 people in the home of seniors.

She said: “It is something that I witnessed in all patients.

“They have, like … allergic eyes. The white part of the eye is not red. It’s more like they have a red shadow on the outside of their eyes.”

The NHS does not list red eyes, or any eye problems, on its official list of symptoms.

They say the two main signs to watch out for are a high temperature, which means you feel warm when you touch your chest or back, and a new, continuous, dry cough.

The College of Optometrists and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists say that patients are unlikely to develop red eyes without other symptoms of coronavirus.

A spokeswoman said: “Recent reports have suggested that Covid-19 can cause conjunctivitis, and it is known that viral particles can be found in tears, which has caused some concern among eye health professionals.

“It is recognized that any upper respiratory tract infection can cause viral conjunctivitis as a secondary complication, and this is also the case with Covid-19.

“However, a person is unlikely to develop a viral conjunctivitis secondary to Covid-19 without other symptoms of continuous fever or cough, since conjunctivitis appears to be a late feature.”

Some patients may also have aches and pains, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, or diarrhea, but they are usually mild and start gradually.

Asymptomatic transmission

And more recently, the British Association of Otorhinolaryngology (ENT UK) said that loss of smell or taste could also be a sign that you have contracted coronavirus.

Despite this, developing these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have the disease and they are similar to other diseases, such as the common cold or flu.

Some people will not develop all of these symptoms, and some may even show no symptoms, experts say.

Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK’s chief scientific adviser, said: “It seems quite likely that there will be some degree of asymptomatic transmission.”

“There is definitely quite a bit of transmission very early in the disease when there are very mild symptoms.”

The NHS is currently recommending people with a continuous new temperature or cough to stay home and isolate themselves for seven days.


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If you live with other people, they should also stay home for 14 days from the day the first person started showing symptoms.

Anyone with a suspected coronavirus who becomes seriously ill should call 111.

So far, over 138,000 people have contracted coronavirus in the UK, and the number of deaths is currently 18,738.

The doctor shares a shocking video of her four-year-old son struggling to breathe after contracting coronavirus while warning parents to take the virus seriously.
