
Comair operates the low-cost airline kulula.com, as well as British Airways nationwide.
Wrenelle Stander has decided to resign as chief executive officer and chief executive officer of the board of Comair, which is listed on JSE, according to a shareholder notice issued Monday.
His position will be assumed by Glenn Orsmond as of December 1. It is part of the Comair Rescue Consortium, the winner of Comair’s business rescue process. Kirsten King has been appointed Chief Financial Officer.
Comair, which operates low-cost carrier kulula.com, as well as British Airways domestically, entered a voluntary business bailout in May this year due to the impact of the coronavirus lockdown that initially grounded all commercial flights. Kulula.com will begin flying on December 1 and BA on December 9.
“I’m excited to be back and, along with some of the other former Comair executives, we are up for the challenge. There is a lot going on in the market right now, but we are happy with how things have developed. The big winners will be flying them in public and Comair employees whose jobs were insured, “Orsmond told Fin24.
The Comair board thanked Stander for his contribution over the past two years, especially for “the hard work, commitment, and outstanding leadership” he provided during the Covid-19 pandemic and the business rescue process.
A lawsuit by the South African National Metalworkers Union against Comair, Solidarity and other parties was recently dismissed by the Labor Court. NUMSA wanted the Labor Court to find that Comair and its business rescue professionals are procedurally unfair with respect to a section 189 downsizing process that began in October of this year.
Discovery Vitality has also resumed its agreement with kulula.com, as has the agreement for FNB’s eBucks rewards program with Comair.