Batsa vindicated for the unconstitutional prohibition of tobacco during the confinement


The Western Cape High Court ruled in favor of the tobacco companies in the case against the Minister of Cooperative Governance over the ban on the products.

JOHANNESBURG – British American Tobacco South Africa (Batsa) said on Saturday it had been vindicated in its view that the ban on tobacco products was unjustified, badly regarded and had worsened illicit trade.

The Western Cape High Court ruled in favor of the tobacco companies in the case against the Minister of Cooperative Governance over the ban on the products.

This after Batsa and other industry players took Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma to court earlier this year to challenge the decision to ban the sale of tobacco products during the total shutdown.

The court said the government’s decision was not necessary or consistent with the country’s constitution.

Johnny Moloto de Batsa called on the government to urgently ratify the illicit trade protocol to eradicate the illegal sale of cigarettes.

“South Africa now has the largest illicit tobacco market in the world. We ask the government to urgently rectify the WHO illicit trade protocol to eradicate all illegal cigarette sales. This is the only way the country can recover from losses resulting from the illicit trade explosion that occurred during the sales ban (during the shutdown). “

At the time, the government said the purpose of the ban was to save lives and protect the health and well-being of South Africans.

The sale of tobacco products returned to level two when lockdown regulations were relaxed.

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