Aww Diddums: our poor players have to play 3 times a week


Can football stop complaining? By Dan Smith

Jurgen Klopp has claimed that the prospect of Liverpool paying in Brighton on Saturday after a Wednesday night game is “criminal”. He and Pep Guardiola are both leading the fight for the reintroduction of the 5 subcategory rule in England. Concern in, as the two best coaches in the League, the rest will follow suit.

Don’t confuse this with protecting a player’s well-being during busy hours. Long before the pandemic, Klopp has spoken about accessory congestion.

The clubs were given a winter break this year, but he still claimed his first team was too tired to play in the FA Cup. He sent his youth team out, and the German himself didn’t bother to attend the game at Anfield.

For years I have felt that players are overprotected. I would often say that the number of stars who won doubles and triples showed that doing well in one competition never had a negative impact on another.

I would add that the idea of ​​playing 3 days a week is not new, it has been going on for decades.
The reason I am angry is the timing of these complaints. The more I hear the moans (and it’s not just one person) the more it sucks.

Since July, football has tried to catch up because UEFA is unwilling to postpone Euro 2020 again (in theory 2021).

The sacrifice teams they have had to do is play matches every few days, increasing the chances of injury and fatigue.

Do you want to know what other people have sacrificed during the blockade? Loss of jobs, increased mental health, canceled weddings, canceled vacations, etc. Imagine that you are not allowed to go to the funeral of a loved one, and Klopp plays the smallest violin in the world because a couple of defenders are injured.

The lack of sensitivity with which the Premiership has handled this virus will have alienated many of its ‘clients’. Here’s the face of the champions of one of the UK’s biggest brands talking about 3 games in a week being a ‘crime’. Tell that to an NHS worker!

But here is the real “crime”.

Unlike hospital staff or healthcare staff, football does not Really has to be played.

Fans, the government, the media, etc., no one pressed in March for footballers to do anything other than stay at home like the rest of the country. No one expected anyone to take risks for sport. The only people who didn’t hear any commitments were … The Premier League itself.

Cancel the League like France? No
Prohibit descent? No
Resume when safe? No

Most of the clubs insisted that it was not possible to finish the campaign (fulfill contracts with sponsors and television). Some were even training their lawyers.

When Project Restart was being discussed, where did Klopp or Pep refuse to play for the sake of the player’s well-being? They only cared about making sure they got their big Sky and BT contracts.

Including overseas rights, the top 20 clubs in England share a sum of billions.

So if you’re a television network (and they haven’t covered themselves in glory) and you’re paying so much money, the damn straight clubs show up on what day and what time you say.

If Klopp cares that much, give Sky and BT your money back! That would be taking a stand.
He wants the money but he also wants any little advantage he can get.

Armories are not innocent by the way. We reportedly blame the FA for overdoing Saka in international service. To clarify, he played 90 minutes on a Thursday, just over an hour on Sunday and the entire game on Wednesday.

Thursday – Sunday – Wednesday. What about that schedule? Why are we teaching a young man that this is a problem?

Similarly, I am not forgiving what happened to Aubameyang in terms of having his passport withheld, but saying that sleeping on an airport floor could affect his form?

I slept in an airport before. I was able to go to work 2 days later. Certainly my boss would not have told my colleagues: “Be careful with Dan, he slept in an airport.”

It’s okay though. Eventually, the world will return to normal. Eventually, all the fans will be able to return to the stadiums.

And I’m sure the first chance clubs have to go on a lucrative preseason tour of Asia or America etc, people like Klopp will say ‘no thanks, my players are too tired’.

Yes of course!

Be nice in the comments

Dan smith
