Adam Habib, director of SOAS, criticized for using n-word in video calls with students


The director of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London has accused critics of “politicizing the issue” after being criticized for using the n-word in a video call with students.

Adam Habib, who is of Indian descent, uttered the insult during a webinar discussion with students in response to concerns about teachers historically speaking the word without facing repercussions.

During a short clip that circulated on Twitter, the 56-year-old said: “The problem around that is… in the first place, even N **** r, someone making that accusation… I don’t know about the case. . This is the first time I’ve heard from him. “

When a student is offended, Mr. Habib is heard replying, “Do you? Well, I really don’t. I come from a part of the world where we actually use the word (…). Context matters. ”

One student commented: “You are not a black man, you cannot use that word. You have not faced the trauma and oppression of black bodies that we go through 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the last 500 years.
