You can travel home by taxi or bus, if it is less than 70% full, air flights are affected by curfew


The gazette says: “A driver. The owner or operator of public transportation may not allow any member of the public not to wear a mask, board or be transported on public transportation owned or operated by him.

“The instructions to be issued by the cabinet member responsible for transportation must establish the health protocols that must be followed and the steps to be followed to limit the exposure of members of the public who use public transportation to Covid-19.”

The regulations governing air flights have yet to be clarified.

The latest gazette says: “The cabinet member responsible for transport should, after consulting with the cabinet members responsible for cooperative government and traditional affairs, health, police, commerce. industry and competition, and justice and correctional services. issue instructions for the resumption of different modes of public transport to attend the gradual return to work of people, with respect to (a) domestic air travel; (b) train, bus, taxi services; (c) email services; and (d) private vehicles ”.

However, it appears that early and late flight bookings will be affected by the new curfew.
