Two people were struck by lightning in Gauteng.
A six-month-old baby was orphaned when lightning killed both parents in uMhlabuyalingana, near Jozini, in northern KwaZulu-Natal on Wednesday.
Another lightning bolt also claimed the life of a 70-year-old man in the 15th district of Jozini in Ndabeni, Cogta said.
MEC’s Provincial Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department (Cogta), Sipho Hlomuka, said inclement weather continues to wreak havoc on rural KZN communities. He said disaster management teams have been dispatched to the area to provide support to the affected Mngomezulu family.
Hlomuka also expressed concern about the growing number of incidents in which lightning kills people in the province.
The latest incident meant that in the space of two weeks, KZN lost eight lives, two in Nongoma, one in uLundi, two in Mooi-Mpofana, two in uMhlabuyalingana and one in Ndabeni, as a result of the lightning strikes.
“We call on all residents to follow the safety protocols that must be applied wherever there are weather warnings,” Hlomuka said.
If outdoors, people are urged to seek shelter immediately, but not under a tree, under telephone lines, or power lines. They should avoid outdoor activities, as hail, high winds, and lightning can cause injury. They should also stay away from low roads and bridges, as they are susceptible to flooding.
Hlomuka said: “If possible, stay indoors away from windows, house pets, cover vehicles and unplug electrical appliances.”