Meet the girl who said ‘no’ to an array rewrite


By Valerie Boje Article publication time 1 hour ago

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Pretoria – What made a matrix girl decide to challenge the minister and the Department of Basic Education after the announcement of the planned rewrite of two exams?

The 18-year-old, whose name appears on the sentence that brought relief to 391,000 matrices who, as a result, did not have to rewrite math test 2 and 282,000 who did not have to rewrite science, is Lienke. Spies

When asked about it, she said it was the stress of exams after a shaky year that spurred her on.

“When I sat down for the first session of the exam, I was literally sick from stress. The prospect of going through the same stress again is what prompted me to oppose the proposed rewrite, ”said Spies, who attended Dirk Postma School in Pretoria.

One of his other tests, visual arts and math rewriting was scheduled for the same day “so that would be six hours of writing tests in one day,” he told Pretoria News.

She and her friends were very upset when Minister Angie Motshekga made the announcement. They had worked so hard during a difficult year, and she said in her affidavit that she felt the matrices were being collectively “punished” for the actions of a few.

“At first I thought she would have to accept the fact that she would have to spend the entire weekend studying, but when her father, Willie Spies, AfriForum’s attorney and legal advisor, came home that day, he suggested an alternative.

“It was all fun and talk,” he recalls, until Sunday afternoon after church and lunch when his father went to his office to pick up a dictaphone and began dictating the content of the proposed court request to challenge the decision of the Department.

They worked together until 10 p.m. and Marita Hurter typed it overnight, and they were ready for the urgent request from the superior court the following week.

Lienke, his friend and fellow applicant, Gerhard Burger, donned his school uniform to go to court. At first, she said she was feeling anxious, but as the case unfolded, she became more confident realizing that there was a good chance they would win.

Last Friday afternoon, when the trial came, he said: “I almost started to cry, although I was waiting for victory, I still couldn’t believe it.”

When asked about seeing his name on the sentence, he said: “I don’t see just my name. My name simply represented all the arrays in the same position. I am proud to say that the 2020 matrices could stand up for themselves. “

Although many people have thanked her, the other applicants, her father and the AfriForum, she does not see herself as a hero.

“No, anyone can defend their rights and what they believe in. There were many matrices and their parents who brought similar applications.

“I would like to thank everyone who participated in avoiding rewrites. Even if it wasn’t on paper. Knowing that they were there and that we were not alone in our challenge helped keep us and the attorneys motivated and reduced our stress.

“Ours was the fastest and therefore the first application to see the light,” he said, not the only one (the cases were combined).

She does not believe that the math leak was as bad as shown in the opposing arguments, as it happened in the WhatsApp groups, just a couple of hours before the exam.

“No one could memorize the answers before the test in that short space of time, and research showed that only 195 students viewed the math work and 61 the physical science.

Lienke is registered to study at BConSci. Bachelor of Clothing Retail Management from the University of Pretoria

When asked if he had any advice for the class of 2021, he said: “Always act with integrity. Do not test for leaks, you will suffer more if you do. Fight back if you are being treated unfairly … and save your notes in case of … “

She has taken note of the announcement of an investigation and urges the Department of Education to ensure secure systems for deliveries and secure printing facilities for the important NSC exam, and to act decisively against individual wrongdoers, such as those who distributed and may have benefited. of the leaks, not against the innocent matrices that didn’t.
