The World Cup corruption case involving the former KZN policeman and businessman moved to a higher court for pretrial


All four are accused of corruption related to 2010 FIFA World Cup police tenders involving approximately R47m.

They have been charged with multiple counts of corruption. Three of them face five counts of fraud, two counts of forgery, and one count of profanity (when a person offers a counterfeit instrument as genuine with the intent to defraud).

Ngobeni was accused of thwarting the ends of justice when she ordered investigators to halt their investigation into the bid fraud. As a high-ranking officer, it was your duty to report fraud and criminal activity.

Panday is alleged to have spent R26,000 for Ngobeni’s husband’s birthday party in 2010.

In February, the state capture investigation heard how Panday allegedly captured senior police officers prior to the 2010 World Cup. This was detailed by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) auditor Trevor White, who testified in the investigation.

The case was postponed until February 8, 2021.

All defendants will remain free on bail until their next appearance.

