PPE tender accusations: Masuku hopes to face ANC committee to prove not guilty


Gauteng MEC for Health Dr. Bandile Masuku.

Gauteng MEC for Health Dr. Bandile Masuku.

Sharon Seretlo, Gallo Images via Getty Images

  • The former Gauteng health MEC, who has been in conflict, says he trusts the ANC process and believes it will prove his innocence.
  • Masuku and Presidential Spokesperson Khusela Diko have been at the center of a PPE tendering scandal.
  • Masuku is also challenging the SIU’s findings in the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria.

Bandile Masuku, a former Gauteng Health MEC, who is at the center of the province’s personal protective equipment (PPE) procurement scandal, welcomed the charge sheet presented to him by the Provincial Disciplinary Committee (PDC) of the ANC.

In a statement on Friday, Masuku’s attorney, Mojalefa Motalane, said Masuku reiterated his confidence in the ANC process and believed that the PDC would come to the merits of the charges and would be given an opportunity to prove that he was not guilty. of the charges.

Masuku faces charges related to his alleged lack of oversight as a provincial health MEC and to discredit the party.

The former MEC, along with presidential spokeswoman Khusela Diko, are facing accusations of being involved in illegal PPE contracts at the Gauteng Health Department, News24 previously reported.

Masuku, his wife, Loyiso, a MMC in the city of Johannesburg, as well as Diko, were put on leave following reports of alleged bidding corruption. Diko’s husband, Chief Madzikane II received a R 125 million tender to supply PPE to the department.

Sister publication of News24, City press, reported Tuesday that the charge sheet showed Masuku’s hearing was scheduled for December 17-19 at Walter Sisulu House in Johannesburg.

READ | ‘I was never involved’, former Gauteng MEC defends against PPE corruption findings

The provincial executive council and the ANC confirmed the findings that Masuku had a conflict of interest in awarding a PPE contract to Royal Bhaca Projects, owned by Madzikane II.

“The charge sheet addresses the same issues related to the oversight responsibilities of an executive authority that are pending before the Full Court of Gauteng Provincial Division, Pretoria.

“Our client’s version of these issues is already public knowledge, as he has already declared himself in affidavits in this pending High Court application. The Full Court of Gauteng Provincial Division, Pretoria, will hear arguments on these issues on January 21, 2021.

“Our client’s lawyer presented the arguments in accordance with the Court’s directive on December 7, 2020. Although the arguments of the Special Investigation Unit were due to be delivered on December 9, 2020, they have not yet been received. “Motalane said. .

The lawyer added that it was also Masuku’s belief that those who were tasked with investigating wrongdoing, embezzlement and corruption, should also, where necessary, be vetted to ensure their actions meet the standards expected by the Constitution and the law.

Masuku is challenging the findings of the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) at the Guateng High Court in Pretoria. He is asking the court to rule that the findings are illegal, unconstitutional, invalid and set aside.

In Friday’s statement, Motalane added that, as stated in Masuku’s affidavits in court, the SIU had not presented evidence of actual wrongdoing on his part, adding that instead it had relied on “imaginary wrongdoing, factually incorrect statements and was based on conclusions of the law.

“Our client believes that the SIU’s findings are therefore irrational, lacking evidence and / or legal basis. They offend the principle of legality in all respects and therefore our client is optimistic that the Division Gauteng Provincial, Pretoria will properly consider the import before and come up with the right find. “

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