Angelo Agrizzi, who will address the UCI, promises more bombs on the way – the Citizen


Speaking from his hospital bed while hooked up to a series of beeping machines along with a constant supply of oxygen, former Bosasa COO turned whistleblower Angelo Agrizzi has promised he has more bombs to drop.

This after he was catapulted into the limelight for his testimony at the State Capture Commission where he sang like a canary about all the alleged illicit and unfavorable dealings his former employer had with government officials and senior ANC leaders, supposedly in return. of political favors.

Although Agrizzi has faced health problems for years, his health recently deteriorated during court proceedings initiated in an effort to hold him accountable for his alleged misdeeds.

As a result, his scheduled appearance in the Pretoria Commercial Crimes Court has been postponed until early next year, as he has missed several court appearances between October and November 2020 due to his health condition.

ALSO READ: Gavin Watson ‘was a coward’ – Debbie Agrizzi

Despite his poor health, Agrizzi held a briefing last week to discuss his hospital stay, his status as an apparent whistleblower and his latest book. Inside the Belly of the Beast – The True Story of Bosasa.

In a video interview with EWN, he said, “I never thought I’d be here for that long, I don’t really know. When I tell you, I can’t even walk properly. I am not the same person that I used to be. But my head is strong and that’s all I need. “

This after his wife made some kind of public appearance on Thursday. She took to social media live with book editor Melinda Ferguson to discuss the content of her husband’s book, as well as what life was like living so close to former Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson.

RELATED: Arrest Warrants for Former Bosasa Agrizzi Executive Piling Up

Debbie stated that she believed that there had been numerous attempts on her husband’s life during their brief spells in cells and at various hospitals.

Agrizzi vaguely echoed his wife’s sentiments, adding that she is not afraid.

“I’m not afraid if that’s a question… What else can they do to me? I can’t even walk, what else can they do? I’ve been through worse stress in my life. I don’t want to claim anything. I’m sure Daniel [his attorney] They can get the records, the medical records, and they could see from that.

“Doctors have their opinion, my wife has their opinion, at this moment I have my own opinion but I don’t want to express it. I think we should do a proper investigation, “he added.

He admitted that he was excited to be alive despite everything that has happened because he believes that “there is much more to tell and much more to do.”

As such, he promised to write a second book.

“One good thing is that I have had a lot of time to think and a lot of time to remember and I can tell you now, the second book is coming out. They thought this was a bestseller … Forget it, the next one is going to be a killer. “

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