Gauteng ANC officials and Prime Minister Makhura to discuss cabinet changes


The prime minister is expected to announce a new health MEC following the dismissal of Dr. Bandile Masuku in October.

JOHANNESBURG – Officials from the Gauteng African National Congress (ANC) will meet with Prime Minister David Makhura to discuss changes to his cabinet on Tuesday night.

The prime minister is expected to announce a new health MEC following the dismissal of Dr. Bandile Masuku in October.

Masuku was fired after the preliminary report from the Specialis Investigation Unit (SIU) called for the prime minister to take administrative action against him for the saga of personal protective equipment from the provincial Health Department.

The SIU found that Masuku did not comply with the country’s Constitution and the regulations contained in the Public Finance Management Law.

He has since taken the matter to court and will be heard in January.

ALSO READ: Masuku approaches High Court to have SIU findings annulled

Gauteng ANC Provincial Secretary Jacob Khawe said Eyewitness news that there would be a meeting with at least four potential candidates who are being considered for Makhura’s cabinet.

“We have a minister, we have a vice minister, we have a member of the legislature, we have a MEC, there are four people we are considering, but someone came out and compromised the internal process.”

Meanwhile, the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) in Gauteng attacked the party in the province, claiming that young people were being sacrificed for the political careers of their elders.

This comes amid claims that the ruling party is pushing for the resignation of a young ANC member in the provincial legislature, which is said to make way for one of the province’s officials who will join the cabinet of the first Minister Makhura.

“We do not believe that an attempt should be made to pressure a young comrade [and] activist to give space to an elderly man. We do not think that is correct, especially since we do not have sufficient representation of young people in legislatures and in Parliament, ”said Nkosana Mtolo from Gauteng ANCYL.

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