Thanksgiving message from Trump: giving in to Biden would be …


In his first question-and-answer session with the media since Election Day on November 3, President Donald Trump said it would be “ difficult ” to accept if the United States Electoral College voted for Joe Biden.

When Donald Trump spoke to reporters after the traditional Thanksgiving Message from the President to members of the US military stationed overseas, he also repeated his claims that the election result “was massive fraud,” and spent some time explaining his allegations.

The Electoral College is expected to formalize the results of the elections within the next month.

Yet despite saying that he thought formalizing President-elect Joe Biden’s victory would be a mistake, Trump said that while it would be “somewhat difficult” for him to give in to Biden, he would accept it.

Trump also speaks to the question “who’s next?” after his full pardon from retired General Michael Flynn on November 25. Flynn was fired by President Barack Obama in 2014 when Flynn was at the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Flynn went on to work for Trump as a national security adviser for the 24 days before being fired for lying to Vice President Mike Pence. He later pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

In addition to pardoning Flynn, Trump commuted the prison sentence imposed on his ally Roger Stone for witness intimidation, lying to Congress and obstruction. Stone was convicted of crimes related to the Russia hoax investigation – also known as the Muller investigation – into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.

During his tenure, Trump has used clemency, as in the case of “tough sheriff” Joe Arpaio, which reduces punishment but does not erase related criminal records.

There is a long list of close “friends” of Trump who are awaiting trial or sentencing, have been sentenced, or are under investigation: his attorney Rudy Giuliani, his former attorney Michael Cohen, former campaign manager Paul Manafort, and former advisers Rick Gates. . and George Papadopoulos, to name a few, leaving many people, for many reasons, eagerly waiting to know who he will forgive next.

Trump is scheduled to spend Nov. 27 at Camp David, the official presidential retreat in Maryland.

While the 3 president stayed on message regarding the “fraudulent elections” and didn’t say a word about the pandemic, President-elect Joe Biden’s Thanksgiving message went straight to the virus: “We’re going to get through this together even if we have to. be apart. “

Not for the first time, Biden referenced the empty chair in a poignant evocation of the absent loved one at the Thanksgiving table, reaching out to all who had lost someone to Covid-19. Always mindful and mindful of the divide between his compatriots along the Red / Republican and Blue / Democrat divide, Biden also called on Americans to join, saying, “We are at war with the virus, not each other.”

The president-elect delivered his Thanksgiving message on Wednesday.

Across the United States, many families dined together on Thanksgiving Day while physically separated – modern technology allowed virtual bonding, with video calling the order of the day.

The famous annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, which began in 1924 as the Macy’s Christmas Parade, ran as usual, but without the crowds. Even New Yorkers had to watch online or on television, unlike in 2019 when more than three million people lined the 2.5-mile parade route.

The show’s executive producer, Susan Tercero, said that “traditions like this are comforting and uplifting.” The parade is in its 94th year and has been canceled less than five times.

Third says “New York has always been a city of touch. Bounce. Take his punches and then carry on. ”

Meanwhile, the pandemic continues unabated, with a number of positive cases in the US of just over 13 million and 269,555 deaths, according to worldometers late Thursday night. A record 90,481 hospital admissions for Covid-19 were reported by The COVID Tracking Project.

Medical professionals and experts are concerned about the strain on hospitals and human resources as front-line workers are burned out: Alarms sounded a few weeks ago when public health experts began warning that hospitals were heading to the breaking point. That was 65,000 He makes hospital admissions. DM

An Wentzel is a nighttime editor and specialist reporter for the Daily Maverick. She went to the United States to visit her family when the pandemic struck and is currently abandoned in the land of the “free.”

