Cele said allegations that police officers have “good herds of cattle” should also be investigated. He said officers should be able to provide receipts for their livestock.
At some point there also needed to be some form of auditing the livestock, so that everyone could give “an adequate account of the stock they hold,” he said.
Cele said slaughterhouse laws needed to be tightened to prevent stolen animals from being slaughtered. “We will have to find out where the animals are going and close the market.”
He said parolees had been found in many cases to be involved in attacks on farms.
There needs to be a better working relationship between the police and the National Prosecutor’s Office (NPA), he added.
“If the prosecutor says, ‘I don’t have enough,’ then go back to the investigator and say, ‘Close the gaps,’ instead of saying, ‘Go home criminals. The police didn’t do their job. ‘ Those days are over, now we are working in a chain.
“This withdrawing cases because the police did not do their job must end.”