Booking a flight is generally expensive for many travelers. Most prices increase during high season and holidays as more people travel during these dates.
IOL Travel shows the cost of airline tickets at Airlink and Lift.
Read our article on the prices of flights from other SA airlines here.
We choose the cost of tickets on flights between December 24 (departure date) and December 31 (return date). Please note that flight dates may increase or decrease due to demand or lack of.
Durban to Johannesburg
The 1 hour 10 minute flight to Johannesburg starts from R667.98 and the return flight starts from R667.98. The total cost of the trip starts from R1335, 96.
Johannesburg to Durban
The departure flight of 1 hour and 5 minutes starts from R840.48 while the return flight starts from R667.98. The total cost of the trip starts from R1508.48.
Cape Town to Johannesburg
The departure flight of 2 hours and 5 minutes starts from R840.48 while the return flight starts from R1231.48. The total cost of the trip starts from R2071.96.
Johannesburg to Cape Town
The 2 hour 10 minute roundtrip flight starts from R1231.48, bringing the total cost to R2462.96.
Durban to Cape Town
The departure and return flight of 4 hours and 25 minutes (has a stopover in Johannesburg) starts from R2071.96. Total cost starts from R4143.92.
Cape Town to Durban
The flight from Cape Town starts from R1646.46 and the return flight starts from R1899.46. The total cost of the trip is R3545.92.
Lift Airline
Johannesburg to Cape Town
The 2 hour flight to Cape Town starts from R855. The return flight starts from R1095. The total cost of the trip starts from R1950.
Cape Town to Johannesburg
The flight to Johannesburg starts from R1195 while the return flight starts from R1095. The total cost of the trip starts from R2290.
Johannesburg to George
The outbound flight of 1 hour 55 minutes from Johannesburg starts from R1745 while the return flight starts from R1595. The total cost of the trip starts from R3280.