Biden Makes Addressing Covid-19 Top Priority


The Herald

US President-elect Joe Biden will make fighting the coronavirus pandemic his top priority after his victory over Donald Trump, his team says.

Announcing the first steps in his transition plan, his team said there would be more testing and that Americans would be asked to wear masks.

It will also focus on the economy, addressing racism and climate change. Trump has yet to give in and Biden’s victory remains a projection, as key states are still counting votes.

However, the Democrat is pushing ahead with his plans to take office in January after major US networks rated the elections in his favor on Saturday.

That supposedly includes a lot of executive orders too Written orders issued by the president to the federal government that do not require congressional approval. aimed at reversing Trump’s controversial policies. According to US media, Biden will rejoin the Paris climate accord, which the United States officially abandoned on Wednesday.

It will reverse the decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization and end the travel ban on citizens of seven mostly Muslim countries.

It will reestablish an Obama-era policy of granting immigration status to undocumented immigrants who entered the United States as children.

In his first speech as president-elect on Saturday, Biden said it was “time to heal” America and vowed “not to divide, but to unify” the country.

Addressing Trump supporters directly, he said: “We have to stop treating our opponents as enemies.”

He and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris launched a transition website.

The projected election result means that Trump becomes the first president in a term since the 1990s.

The Republican president’s campaign has filed a series of lawsuits in several states, but election officials say there is no evidence the vote was rigged against him. BBC.
