Lift: South Africa’s new airline


South Africa’s new airline, which will launch before the end of 2020 with a route between Johannesburg and Cape Town, has found its name: Lift.

The airline is a partnership between incumbent Global Aviation, Kulula founder Gidon Novick, and former Uber executive Jonathan Ayache.

Global Aviation is an established airline operator focusing on business-to-business flights in terms of service to airlines around the world.

Through Global Aviation, the new airline automatically has the necessary regulatory approvals to fly.

“All things on the backend, including aircraft, maintenance and regulatory issues, are implemented through Global Aviation,” he said.

This frees up the management of the new airline to focus on systems, marketing, and making sure they attract people as customers.

Commenting on the name, Novick said the name was selected from more than 25,000 suggestions from South Africans who participated in an online competition.

He said that some names were thoughtful and inspiring like Ubuntu Air and FlyMzansi.

“Djyrynie and Planey McPlaneface were never going to fly, while Gravy Plane must have mistook us for another airline,” Novick said.

In the end, the decision was made to choose a name that was relevant to the category, unique, and easy to pronounce and remember.

Novick said that with the name secured, the Lift team is now focused on its final pre-launch activities, such as preparing the reserve system, crew training, aircraft preparation and marketing activities.

Lift’s first flight between Johannesburg and Durban is expected in December.

Now Read: South Africa’s New “Uber” Airline Almost Ready to Fly
