Covid-19: Antibody Levels ‘Drop Pretty Quickly’ After Infection, New Study Finds


  • Antibodies appear to decline rapidly after SARS-CoV-2 infection, new study found
  • Asymptomatic people who participated in the study were also found to lose antibodies rapidly
  • The results underscore the need for everyone to continue taking preventive measures

Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, were found to decline rapidly in the British population, according to a Real-Time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT) study.

The study, conducted by Imperial College London and market research firm Ipsos Mori, is one of the largest of its kind in Britain and suggests that neutralizing antibodies, which can prevent an infection from taking hold, may last only a few months.

The data included samples of hundreds of thousands of people in England between mid-June and the end of September.

According to the researchers, the prevalence of antibodies to the virus dropped by more than a quarter during this period. Their findings also suggest that the loss of antibodies was slower in people aged 18 to 24 compared to those aged 75 and over.

“Our study shows that over time there is a reduction in the proportion of people who test positive for antibodies,” explained Professor Paul Elliott, director of the program at Imperial.

Their findings have been published in a pre-print report and will be submitted for peer review.

Antibody tracking

Researchers tracked antibody levels in 365,000 randomly selected adults after the first wave of Covid-19 infection in the UK. The analysis was performed using finger prick tests performed at home between June 20 and September 28.

They found that the prevalence of antibodies dropped by a quarter, from 6% of the study population around June to a low 4.4% in September.

The decrease was also greater in people who did not report a history of Covid-19, falling almost two-thirds (64.0%) between rounds one and three, compared to a 22.3% decrease in people who had a infection confirmed by PCR test (polymerase chain reaction).

“This large study has shown that the proportion of people with detectable antibodies is decreasing over time,” said Professor Helen Ward, one of the study’s lead authors. “Immunity is waning pretty fast – we’re only three months after our first [round of tests] and we are already showing a 26% decrease in antibodies. “

Asymptomatic cases

More than this, antibody levels in asymptomatic individuals were also found to be lower than those who had shown symptoms.

“Antibody positivity was higher in those who reported a positive CRP and lower in older people and those with asymptomatic infection.

“These data suggest the possibility of decreasing the immunity of the population and increasing the risk of reinfection as detectable antibodies decrease in the population,” the authors wrote.

The report also indicates that there were no changes in antibody levels seen in healthcare workers, likely due to repeated exposure to the virus.

Importance of following preventive measures

“A positive antibody test does not mean that you are immune to Covid-19. It is not clear what level of immunity the antibodies provide or how long this immunity lasts, ”Elliott explained, adding:

“If someone tests positive for antibodies, they should still follow national guidelines that include physical distancing measures, get a swab test if they have symptoms, and wear face covers when necessary.”

Health Minister Lord Bethell also commented on the study, saying it is “a critical piece of research, helping us understand the nature of Covid-19 antibodies over time and improving our understanding of the virus in yes”.

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Image: Getty / mbz-photodesign

Compiled by Zakiyah Ebrahim
