Prince William’s secret confession to Kate during Harry, Meghan’s final event revealed


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had caught the world’s attention during their last royal engagement earlier this year in March.

During the Commonwealth Day Service, Kate Middleton and Prince William joined the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their meeting during the event had made headlines around the world.

Now a lip reader has taken a look at what royal couples may be whispering to each other, as tensions were at an all-time high within the family, just days before the Sussex couple officially stepped down.

Author Robert Lacey writes in his book, Battle of brothers, that quite a few distressing events took place that day as he discussed the behavior of the two couples.

“Nor can it be said that the two royal brothers made great personal efforts to ‘huddle’ together once they found themselves sitting close together,” he wrote.

He went on to say that William had also uttered the “longest coherent sentence that television watching lip readers could figure out” and confirmed that it was not his brother Harry.

As the event took place right at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic when fear was at its highest, Lacey quotes William as saying, “This whole handshake thing is weird. We’re going to have to put a lot of hand gel on. after that. “
