Principal warns teens to avoid parties or risk missing their exams


It's not worth missing an exam

It’s not worth missing an exam

We ask that we do all we can as a community to finish the 2020 academic year safely and successfully, says Mark Smith, Principal of Westerford High School in Cape Town.

In an email shared with parents and students, and Parent24, he draws attention to the fact that “a large number of students from local schools have been attending some of the clubs in the city.”

See also: Cape Town high school students flocked to Tin Roof for a night of cheap booze – now at least 47 have Covid-19

“The party has happened without masks, in closed and crowded areas, for extended periods of time,” he writes.

In early October, a large group was present at a Cape Town nightclub, he shares, and local doctors now regard this event as ‘a super spreader’, as 59 positive cases of Covid-19 alone have been identified. night. .

“Most of the students present were Matrics. As a consequence of the non-observance of security protocols in that club, now there are a large number of positive Matrics for Covid in neighboring schools,” he reveals.

“We are very concerned about the health of all students, teachers, family members, and especially our 12th graders,” Smith emphasizes.

If any Matric tests positive soon, he will not be able to write the next Life Orientation Test, which will mean that he will not enroll, he warns.

“We must prevent that from happening,” he says.

It appeals “in the strongest terms” to pupils and parents to be aware at all times of the “extremely high risk of infection when health and safety measures are not followed”, and in particular when masks are not used.

His message to Matrics is that you must be willing, you must be willing, to give up the short-term pleasures of the party, until the final exams are behind you.

“For students in other grades who frequent parties: you are also putting our school community at risk, especially the Matrics that are on the verge of such important exams,” he adds.

To learn how to avoid exposure to Covid-19 before exams, check out this doctor’s advice here: Doctor Says Don’t Let Covid-19 Stop You From Writing 2020 Matric

“We are nearing the end of 2020 teaching. Our Matrics begin writing exams in the first week of November. It would be very unfortunate if any Matric would wait until 2021 to complete their education,” Smith writes.

“Please consider our Matrics and your future. Please consider your own health, the health of everyone around you and, in particular, those who have comorbidities. Please be very careful. Do what Be considerate, do what’s responsible. ”


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