Denosa Calls on Makhura to Stand Away Amid SIU Covid-19 Corruption Investigation


By Siviwe Feketha Article publication time15h ago

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Johannesburg – Denosa in Gauteng has asked Prime Minister David Makhura to step aside to make room for the ongoing investigation into Covid-19 corruption within the provincial health department.

The provincial executive committee of the nursing union met over the weekend to discuss the latest developments in the health department, including the firing of Dr. Bandile Masuku by Makhura over the Covid-19 bidding corruption scandal.

Makhura’s decision to remove Masuku came after the preliminary report by the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) recommended administrative action be taken against him for failing to exercise oversight during the pandemic.

Denosa provincial president Simphiwe Gada said the union was preparing a letter to Makhura yesterday asking him to also vacate his post until SIU completes the investigation.

Gada said there are continuing allegations surrounding Makhura’s involvement.

“Your name has been popping up and we believe that where there is smoke there may be fire and therefore you should consider taking a special license and allowing the SIU investigations to conclude. When that process has occurred and his name is also cleared, we will gladly work with him, ”Gada said.

He claimed that Makhura had never been personally held responsible for the major scandals that plagued his administration in recent years, including the Life Esidimeni tragedy and the burning of the Lisbon building that housed the health department, which was declared non-compliant in terms of occupational health and safety regulations.

“This Covid-19 also happened under his supervision and we believe that Premier Makhura really, in all honesty, must be able to confront the truth. He is a leader that we respect, but sometimes being a leader requires that one be determined and willing to take responsibility, ”he said.

Gada said Masuku was doing a good job heading the department since his appointment by Makhura last year after the elections.

He said the union had asked Masuku to ensure the filling of critical positions and the improvement of staff morale, which was reduced by the persistent paralysis plaguing the department.

“I did this by presenting a program called an Employee Value Proposition. He went to the ground and met with workers on the front line. We were able to record progress in improving staff morale and addressing staff shortages in hospitals and clinics, ”Gada said.

Gada further noted that Masuku had also improved governance and administrative stability in the department, before becoming embroiled in the Civid-19 tender scandal.

“It’s fair to say that since his appointment, he has made the desired progress in turning things around in the department. Under his leadership, the department was also improving on its previous reputation. Sadly, after doing a good job, the monster called Covid-19 arrived … now all that hard work is overshadowed by this scandal, ”he said.

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