Mystery of the ‘doctor’ recommended by Ramaphosa


By Mzilikazi Wa Afrika Article publication time6h ago

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Johannesburg – A mysterious doctor that President Cyril Ramaphosa had recommended to Health Minister Zweli Mkhize to appoint to the ministerial advisory committee on Covid-19 is believed to have false qualifications and no medical experience.

Three independent sources have told this publication that Ramaphosa recommended Dr. Lindiwe Ntombiyesizwe Ringane ka Seme to Mkhize.

The 51-member committee, which was headed by Professor Salim Abdool Karim, was formed earlier this year to advise Mkhize on matters related to the pandemic.

When Mkhize announced the members of the advisory committee, Dr. Ringane ka Seme was appointed “external adviser” on “Health and presidency”.

A whistleblower informed the Health Department of Ringane ka Seme’s bogus ratings shortly after the committee was announced.

A “top secret” report compiled on June 10 this year on Ringane ka Seme and seen by the Sunday Independent states that:

* You are in illegal possession of two identity books, one as a man and the other as a woman and both identity documents are active;

* She is fraudulently displaying herself as a doctor,

* She is not registered with the South African Council of Health Professionals as a physician; Y

* Sometimes she pretends to be a lawyer.

The report added that Ringane ka Seme, through her female ID, owns three cars, including a Lamborghini.

The report also suggested that Ringane ka Seme “currently serves” on the Ministerial Advisory Committees on Covid-19 as a member of the public health subcommittee.

“Due to the importance of the ministerial committee and its subcommittees, it became imperative that we establish whether or not Ringane was a qualified physician, who could provide an efficient public health service to our society at this tragic time.

“Unfortunately, in consultation with the South African Council of Health Professionals, it was confirmed that the institution did not have any physicians matching Ringane’s identity on the record of its physicians.”

The report also said investigators contacted the Government Employees Medical Plan to ask whether or not she exists on their registry and it was discovered that there was a male doctor, Ringane, with a different middle name, who was born in 1978. .

The report provides the doctor’s office number and the medical center’s office number.

Ringane ka Seme has not responded for the past two weeks to questions from the Sunday Independent, which included where and when he studied to be a doctor, as well as his medical practice number and his relationship with Ramaphosa.

Ringane ka Seme is a transgender woman who was born Keith Bekisizwe Ringane in 1982.

She first made headlines in 2008 when she claimed that the Miss South Africa pageant organizers turned her down when she wanted to enter the competition.

The Sunday Independent has good authority that after Mkhize received the “top secret” report, he summoned his top officials where he presented it and told them that Ringane ka Seme was highly recommended by Ramaphosa.

Mkhize’s spokesman, Dr. Lwazi Manzi, did not respond to questions sent to him on Friday, which included whether or not Ramaphosa recommended Ringane ka Seme to the health minister for appointment to the advisory committee.

Ramaphosa Acting Spokesperson Tyrone Seale initially promised to “ask” as he was not “familiar with the issues” we raised in the questions we sent him. These included the nature of the relationship between the president and Ringane ka Seme, but Seale then referred us to the ministerial advisory committee for answers.

Mkhize dissolved the ministerial advisory committee last month and some of the members are alleged to have openly disagreed on how he was dealing with the pandemic.

He has recently reconstituted a new committee.

Independent sunday
