You can use this map to find the countries you can travel to without a visa with your South African passport


Financial services firm Arton Capital, through its Passport Index, has launched new features that include dashboards to help people navigate the travel chaos caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Arton Capital Passport Index ranks travel documents based on the number of countries that can be visited without having to apply for a visa.

“Currently, traveling is chaos. Global mobility has reached a record low. And ongoing changes in visa regulations have erased all information related to travel restrictions.

“With the constant backlash of misleading, contradictory and outdated data, Passport Index innovated with updates that provide visitors from around the world with clear, real-time information on the right to travel,” he said.

Passport control panels

Whether visitors are looking for visa requirements, updates to their passport classification, or looking for updates to renewed regulations related to travel and tourism, Arton said each country’s passport has its own dashboard; consolidating all the relevant and recent information on a structured page.

With an overview of a country’s passport data, the new and improved Passport Index user experience offers visitors the opportunity to discover the passport’s historical global mobility score, dating back to 2015 and earlier more drastic data. and after Covid.

Passport classifications before and after Covid

Despite the high volatility of passport power over the past year, the Passport Index has updated passport rankings in real time, showing the true effect of the pandemic on passport rankings.

The data is clear: with temporary travel bans and visa restrictions, many countries that once had a powerful passport are now among the lowest in the world, he said.

World Opening Score Rises Again

The Arton Passport Index shows the clear influence of the pandemic with its World Openness Score (WOS), the benchmark for open travel between countries.

Since its inception in 2015, the WOS has continued to grow at an average rate of 6% per year, reaching an all-time global openness of 54% in December 2019, Arton said.

“Once the pandemic hit, although active visa arrangements were not changed, temporary entry bans and border closures resulted in a staggering decrease in WOS, dropping 65% in weeks.

“But what goes down, must go up as they say. Currently, as countries remove their travel bans and re-encourage visa-free travel, the WOS shows a promising 15% increase. ”

Better passports

The New Zealand passport has overtaken Japan to become the most powerful travel document globally, the Passport Index showed on Monday (October 5).

The index analyzes the passports of 193 members of the United Nations and six territories.

New Zealand currently has visa-free, or visa-entry, access to 129 countries and regions, up from 80 during the Covid-19 pandemic.

South Africa has a Passport Power Rank of 38: Citizens can travel visa-free to 37 countries, 32 have a visa on arrival, while 126 countries require a visa.

Meanwhile, the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has published a list of 60 countries that will not be allowed to travel to South Africa for leisure purposes.

The DHA has stated that only leisure travelers from these countries will be banned. However, it is more complicated than that and has therefore drawn a lot of criticism.

Read: These are the ways you can get citizenship in these 7 countries
