Concern raised when Covid-19 cases increase 6% in Gauteng below lockdown level 1


Meanwhile, with the country surpassing the peak of coronavirus infection, Health Minister Zweli Mkhize said a new approach was needed to prevent a resurgence.

“Based on the conduct of the South African pandemic, we have reassessed our national response and identified new challenges that require new approaches,” a statement from Mkhize’s office read.

“We have now reassessed the progress of the pandemic and the work of the ministerial advisory committee (MAC) on Covid-19 and have resolved that this MAC must be strengthened to ensure that it is able to address gaps and address new challenges.”

Mkhize said that the existing MAC had not been disbanded, but that over the course of the country’s battle against the virus it had been altered and more members added or removed based on what was needed at the time.

The strengthened committee would focus more on case management, preventive measures and public policy and advise on how to prevent further transmission of the virus.

Biomedical physicians, clinical experts, ethicists, nurses, social scientists, researchers, and community leaders are among those to be added to the committee.
