Coronavirus Morning Roundup: Silent Third Wave, Hospital Transmission, and How Covid Seized SA



READ | The third silent wave of Covid-19 could be Parkinson’s disease

The neurological effects of Covid-19 have been well documented, but some scientists are expressing concern about its possible influence on the future development of neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

This hypothesis was explored in a recent article published in the Journal of Parkinson Disease, where researchers theorized that the neurological symptoms of Covid-19 could be a precursor to diseases such as Parkinson’s.

For example, the coronavirus symptom of losing the sense of taste and smell also appears in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. This symptom is likely underestimated due to dependence on patients’ self-report.

It could mark a “third wave” of the pandemic for which health systems around the world should prepare.

Scientists missed an opportunity to study neurological phenomena during the time of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, where patients had encephalitis lethargica, a disease that attacks the brain and causes a zombie-like state.

In the 1920s there was an increase in other similar conditions of parkinsonism, which is any condition that causes tremors, impairs speech, and limits movement due to loss of dopamine-containing brain cells. This happened again in the 1940s.

READ | How the coronavirus spreads in a hospital

Hospitals understandably have a high rate of coronavirus infections, with higher exposure from healthcare workers. Understanding how Covid-19 could spread in a hospital setting is vital to implementing measures to stop it.

Research presented at the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Conference on coronavirus disease this week showed how the virus spreads through a hospital through asymptomatic workers and certain hot spots such as bathrooms and areas. public in two presentations.

The first was a meta-analysis of studies in the Embase, Pubmed, LILACS, MedxRiv, and Google Scholar databases to assess the prevalence of the virus in a hospital, risk factors for healthcare workers, symptoms, and outcomes of the severe cases.

It included 97 studies from 24 countries with data on more than 230,000 health workers. Of that total, about 10% tested positive for the virus, while 7% had developed antibodies against the disease.

Swiss researchers found that in 15 of those studies, 40% of healthcare workers who tested positive for Covid-19 were asymptomatic, indicating a high probability of silent transmission between colleagues and patients.

Almost half of those who tested positive were nurses, followed by doctors with 25% and other workers with 23%. The most common symptoms were loss of taste and smell, fever, and muscle pain.


SA cases update:

The latest number of confirmed cases is 671,669.

According to the latest update, 16 586 deaths have been registered in the country.

There have been 604,478 recoveries.

So far, more than 4.15 million tests have been performed, and 16,586 new tests have been reported.

Global Cases Update:

For the latest global data, follow this interactive map from Johns Hopkins University & Medicine.

By early Tuesday morning, positive cases worldwide approached 33.24 million, while deaths approached 1 million.

The United States had the highest number of cases in the world – more than 7.14 million, as well as the highest number of deaths – more than 205,000.


Last News:

READ | How Covid-19 took hold in South Africa

On March 5, life in South Africa, as we know it, changed dramatically. A virus brought into the country caused the government to lock down the country and shut down the economy.

Six months later, the country has nearly 670,000 confirmed cases, more than 16,000 people have died, and the economy is in dire straits.

In late September, the country finally started to open up again, but life is different. We separated two meters, we walked with masks and we bought with hand sanitizer.

Bhekisisa has partnered with Media Hack to track how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, has traveled through South Africa.

We take you on this journey with maps, a narrative, and visualizations. We also provide you with information on the countries from which South African imports of the virus originate.


Last News:

READ | Nearly 280,000 US schoolchildren have had coronavirus, study finds

Nearly 280,000 school-age children were infected with the new coronavirus between March 1 and September 19, according to detailed data released Monday in a report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). .

The figure accounted for about four percent of all cases in the US during this period, and children ages 12 to 17 are about twice as likely to be infected as those ages 5 to 11.

The rate of new cases increased steadily during the spring and then skyrocketed during the summer, peaking on July 19 with an average weekly incidence of 37.9 per 100,000.

The new cases then leveled off for several weeks before declining in late August, although they now appear to be increasing back toward summer levels.

The authors wrote that the data helped establish a baseline for monitoring trends in Covid-19 infection as some schools return to in-person learning now and in the coming months.

READ | UK students trapped in their dormitories as universities scramble to prevent Covid-19 outbreaks

New university students in the UK say they are prevented from leaving their dormitories and threatened with fines as part of clumsy attempts by authorities to prevent Covid-19 from spreading on campus.

Outbreaks of varying sizes have been recorded in student accommodation at universities in large UK cities such as Glasgow, Manchester, Belfast and Edinburgh.

Some have resulted in lockdowns, and students are told to stay in their rooms until testing is complete.

The pandemic has turned the traditional start of college – usually a blur of parties, performances and other social activities – into a nightmare.

In several cases, students say they are being held against their will in their accommodation and threatened with expulsion or fines for breaking the rules.

HEALTH TIPS (as recommended by the NICD and WHO)

• Keep your physical distance: stay at least one meter from someone who is coughing or sneezing

• Practice frequent hand washing, especially after direct contact with sick people or their surroundings.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, as your hands touch many surfaces and could transmit the virus.

• Practice respiratory hygiene: cover your mouth with a bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Remember to dispose of the tissue immediately after use.

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