North Korea News: Critics of Kim Jong-un Executed as Hunger Strike and Floods | World | News


According to Daily NK, which reports on North Korea from the South, one of his younger colleagues alerted authorities to the men’s conversation. They were then arrested at work by the North Korean secret police.

The five workers are said to have been executed on July 30.

Their families were also reportedly detained and sent to the gulag at Camp 15 in Yodok.

It is a notorious facility built to house suspected enemies of the regime in which torture, slave labor and sexual abuse have been reported.

Speaking about the intensification of the repression, a source said: “They are in a situation where they cannot even give any opinion.

“It is even stricter because the administration is trying to gain discipline.”

North Korea’s economy is believed to be suffering as a result of coronavirus restrictions and recent floods.

On Friday, Kim Jong-un toured the Taechong-ri region, which suffered severe damage after 49 days of storms and heavy rains.

The disaster reportedly killed dozens, destroyed 17,000 homes and wiped out large areas of crops.

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North Korea’s economy had become heavily dependent on goods smuggled across the border from China.

Officially, North Korea has yet to report any cases of COVID-19.

However, in July, Kim Jong-un admitted that the deadly disease “could have entered” the country.

During the same month, the city of Kaesong was locked down for three weeks after a resident reported symptoms similar to the coronavirus.

At that time, additional travel restrictions were imposed across the country.

Kim Jong-un has reportedly been responsible for several brutal executions since coming to power.

In May 2015, Hyon Yong Chol, who had been North Korea’s defense minister, was executed with anti-aircraft weapons while members of his family were forced to watch.

Two years earlier, Kim Jong-un’s uncle, Jang Song-Thaek, was assassinated after allegedly trying to overthrow the government.

According to ‘Rage’, a new book on the Trump administration, his body was displayed as a warning to others.

Trump reportedly told the author, Bob Woodward, that Kim Jong-un informed him of this personally, as he “tells him everything.”
