Coronavirus: Three Western Cape police stations closed for Covid-19 decontamination


Three more police station buildings have been closed for a Covid-19 decontamination, this time in the Western Cape.

Provincial police spokesperson Brigadier Novela Potelwa said the Bredasdorp and Struisbaai police stations had started decontamination protocols on May 1.

“Struisbaai is now operating from the municipal building while Bredasdorp will use the Thusong Center,” Potelwa said on Sunday.

“Members from the two stations who came in contact with the infected case / s will undergo the necessary screening and / or testing.”

Last week, Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Police and the Select Committee on Security and Justice heard that, of the 103 police officers who had tested positive, 10 had recovered, 89 had been isolated, three hospitalized, and one had died.

By the time of that report on April 30, 45 police buildings had been evacuated and 39 decontaminated and reoccupied.

More than 1,000 officers were quarantined.

READ: Covid-19 | 103 police officers test positive, more than 1,000 quarantined

Potelwa told News24 on Sunday that the Swellendam police station also had to go through decontamination and had resumed operations on Saturday after two police officials tested positive for the virus.

Contact tracing was underway and the police station had opened again after the decontamination.

The Swellendam municipality said in a statement that the town hall was also decontaminated after the officers went back to their decontaminated police station. A Covid-19 joint operations center had been set up in the region.

Other police stations affected include New Brighton police station in Port Elizabeth and Cape Town Central police station.
