Acquisition to produce ‘Super Daddy’ livestock

Goat genes have been editedImage copyright pyrite

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Genetically modified goats are “evidence in theory,” scientists say

Scientists have produced gene-edited animals that are said to act as “super dead” or “surrogate cyrs.”

Pigs, goats, cattle and mice produce sperm that carry the genetic material of donor animals.

Researchers used a high-tech gene editing tool to harden male reproductive genes in animal embryos.

The animals were born sterile, but began producing sperm after injection of donor animal sperm-producing cells.

The U.S.-UK team said the technique would allow offspring with the genetic material of valuable elite animals such as surrogate male prize bulls.

This will be a step towards genetic enhancement of livestock to improve food security, they added.

“This could have a major impact on food security around the world. If we can cope genetically, it means we have less water, less feed and fewer antibiotics,” said John at Tale, a professor at Veterinary Medicine College at Washington State University in Washington. To put animals. “

Image copyright pyrite
Robert Hubner, WSU

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Bull “Super Dead” can be used to make healthy or methy cows

What did the experiment show?

Active donor semen was confirmed to surrogate cyrs. And the rats produced healthy offspring that carried the genes of the sperm donor.

Large animals have not yet been bred. But Prof. of the Roslyn Institute of the University of Edinburgh.

“This shows the world that this technology is real. It can be used.” “We have to go into it now to feed our growing population and it’s best to know how to use it productively.”

According to researchers, this technology can also help in the conservation of endangered species.

To reproduce the species, it is possible to use the endangered rhinoceros sperm, for example. But he said the pace at which science would be implemented would be influenced by policymakers.

With concern for product safety, ethics and animal welfare, gene-edited livestock is not allowed for human consumption.

Image copyright pyrite
Robert Hubner, WSU

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Professor John at Tale says genetic techniques can eliminate food insecurity

What is gene editing?

Gene editing involves deleting or altering the embedding coding. An example of current technology is CRISPR, a biological system for modifying DNA found in 2012.

CRISPR scans the genome to locate a specific gene and then uses “molecular scissors” to snipe through the DNA.

Although effective in the lab, the procedure is less than perfect and can cut much DNA. These unwanted edits can alter other important genes.

What are the ethical issues?

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is investigating ethical issues raised by the use of gene-editing techniques in reared animals.

Potential applications of gene-acquisition techniques include genetically horny cows, and pigs or chickens that are resistant to diseases.

Director Hugh Whittle said gene-editing can be part of society’s response to many challenges in different parts of the world, including access to healthy and nutritious food.

Whether or not he should be vigilant about genome editing outside of the research setting will depend on further research and development in line with social values ​​and interests, he told BBC News. .

“This is one of the questions we are looking into in our current investigation of genome acquisition and reared animals.”

The research is published in the Journal of the National Academy of Sciences.

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