According to the report, RBNB’s Chinese data policies incur executive costs

Sean Joyce, chief trust officer of RBNB, left the company in 2019 after just six months because the former deputy director of the FBI raised issues with the company’s data sharing practice in China, a report said. The Wall Street Journal.

Over the years, RBNB has disclosed that it shares information with the Chinese government, such as phone numbers and email addresses, when a user books fares in China. It happens that whether the user is a Chinese citizen or a foreign visitor – a policy that is required of all hospitality businesses operating in the country. Joyce, who hired Airbnb in May 2019 to protect the platform’s users, was concerned about Erbanbn’s desire to share data. Joyce also objected to the scope of shared data, such as messages sent between guests and hosts, This Wall Street Journal Reports. He feared that the Chinese government might find foreign visitors and its own citizens.

RBNB’s Chinese business is mentioned in the S-1 filing in which the company announced Monday ahead of its planned initial public offering. “If [China’s rental] In the future the rules or their interpretation may change, ”the prospectus reads,“ we may be forced to close our operation in China. “

American tech companies have had to explore difficult relations with China for years. China is currently blocking large companies like Facebook and Google for not complying with government requests for information. Others like Apple Pal make huge profits in the country but are often criticized for giving relief to the country’s government.

China is one of the largest markets in the world, but the Chinese Communist Party’s choices for comprehensive surveillance have often hit employees hard. Nonetheless, American companies have continued to use DNA databases to track their movements, providing tools for monitoring and censorship of marginalized communities in China, such as marginalized communities in China. These actions lead to group persecution and detention.

RBNB did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The company has been known as a “quiet period” because of its IPO filings, where there are restrictions on what company spokespersons and officials are allowed to say.