About 80% of Pfizer’s vaccines have already been purchased by the world’s richest people

Campaigners in the United Kingdom warned on Wednesday that just two days after the distribution of preliminary results of its coronavirus trial by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, mass purchases of the vaccine by the world’s richest countries left more than 85% of the world’s population Without any means.

Pfizer says it could produce 1.355 billion doses of the vaccine, which by the end of 2021 was shown to be 90% effective in preventing coronavirus infection in non-viral patients, according to Pfizer’s first formal formal review. That quantity – 82% supply – has already been purchased by rich countries.

U.S. It has bought 100 million doses with the option to buy 100,000 million, with millions of doses remaining, enough to potentially vaccinate its entire population against coronavirus. Since Monday, Pfizer has sold 40 million doses to the UK and 200 million doses to the EU, with the option to buy 100 million more.

In a statement, British campaign group Global Justice Now noted that Pfizer’s partner in vaccine development, German manufacturer Bioentech, had received 5 5,375 million (44 1,441 million) from the German government and 100 100 million (7 117 million) from European banks.

“Pfizer has claimed no state support, but the advance purchase of an undisclosed dose of one billion doses, not to mention tax breaks, and the direct public funding of Pfizer’s partner indicates that their claim is at best misleading,” said Justice Now. Said. Director Nick Derden. “Injustice will continue until we break the throats of these big corporations on our drugs.”

The global judge has now noted that Pfizer World Health Organization’s Covid-19 vaccines are likely to give some doses to developing countries through the Global Access Facility (COVX). However, these doses make up a small fraction of the people produced by Pfizer, leaving billions without access to the vaccine.

U.S. Kvokes has been weakened by the refusal of some rich countries to participate in global efforts to ensure vaccine access and now through mass purchases from those same countries.

“You couldn’t find a clear example of how unequal the pharmaceutical system is – making billions of pounds, while many people die because they can’t afford treatment or have yet to buy them.” “It’s about to change.”

The Global Justice now reiterated its call earlier this week to suspend global patent rules to make it possible for poor versions of the Pfizer vaccine to be developed. South Africa and India proposed last month that the World Trade Organization suspend intellectual property rules for Covid-19 related vaccines and treatments.

“It is imperative that we end vaccine nationalism and, as a matter of urgency, make adequate supplies available to all on an appropriate basis.” “This global crisis can be helped by supporting governments like South Africa and India trying to suspend intellectual property rules on the WTO.”