A trip anywhere in the virtual world of a micro .ft flight simulator

On a recent cloudy morning in Wolverhampton, England, Wesley Appia was in his bedroom reviewing flight plans for the Canary Islands, looking for R&B playlists and giving “good wishes to his passengers”.

Epiphia, 20, is an accounting and finance student at the University of Warwick, but is also an aspiring pilot who streams virtual flights on Twitch, the Internet’s most popular destination for video game streaming.

The software of their choice is Microsoft’s new flight simulator, released in August.

Iah Pia said, “You can go anywhere in the world, as long as there is no airport to go there.”

Appia is not exaggerated. In addition to the variety of aircraft to pilot, the 2020 simulator offers what is the most realistic and complete digital presentation in the world that has been made available to the public. It includes 1.5 billion rendered buildings and enough data to fill 1.7 million DVDs. For digital travelers, a trip to the Grand Canyon or Mount Fuji is now far from a flight.

Like the real world, it is dynamic. The virtual planet is constantly updating, complete with weather. When Hurricane Laura hit the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. People playing Micro .ft Flight Simulator 2020 chased the storm when it hit the shore. There was also the smoke of recent wildfires in the virtual world. There’s also wildlife, something of a digital safari framework on YouTube. Others have recreated famous flights from movies.

The Wesley App Pia is sitting in the cockpit of the Airbus A320. An aspiring pilot, he streams flights on a micro .ft flight simulator.Courtesy Wesley Appia

This means that flights around the world can be long distance. The two streamers sat for about 16 hours to resume the journey from Los Angeles to Dubai in the UAE, one of the longest commercial flights available.

“I can go from Birmingham to Dubai, real time of flight. So that’s seven hours. I sit for seven hours, ”Apia said.

Mendy, another twitch streamer ahead of TweetMundy, said the simulator has provided decisive relief during the coronavirus epidemic.

“We’re literally making tourists on my stream,” said Mandy, who asked several video game streamers to delete his last name to maintain privacy. “

Microsoft has been building its signature simulator since 1982, also predicting Windows to become the company’s longest running product. As the micro .ft evolves and evolves, so does the simulator. The latest version taps MicroStft’s Azure cloud computing services, which are now a big part of the company’s business.