A total war story: Troy is available for free by epic, but only for today

A Total War Saga: Troy has just been launched in the Epic Games Store, and it’s free to claim for 24 hours. You have until tomorrow, August 14, at 6 p.m. PT / 9 AM ET to snag the latest entry in Creative Assembly’s popular strategy before it sells for its $ 50 list price.

Total War Story: The story of Troy was inspired by the epic poem by Homer Illiad and chronicles the Trojan War. The trajectory of the war between Troy and Greece depends on your choice of the eight factions you control, each with its own story. Like other ‘Saga’ entries, Troy focuses on one very historic moment instead of a long one.

For those unfamiliar with the Total War games, they offer a clever mix of turn-based strategy and real-time tactical combat, with a heavy emphasis on resource management. Total War Story: Troy is one year exclusive to the Epic Games Store. Although it is currently only available on PC, the choice expands immediately to the Mac edition of the game, which will be released soon. That Mac users should claim Total War Saga: Troy, even though they can not play today.

Total War Saga: Troy is not the only free game on Epic that you can claim right now. Don’t forget to check out Wilmot’s Warehouse before reloading the free games lineup at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET. A new pair of free games at Epic go live this morning: leftovers: from the trash and the Alto collection.

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Spilet no: Hoe totale oarlochssaga: Troaje bringt myte ta libben yn in histoaryske setting

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