A Google search will help you identify that song stuck in your mind

Then, the machine learning algorithm will identify potential matches, even if you are not using the correct pitch. Results will be delivered based on the tone you requested and you can choose the best match.

Google search passage results


Google has also announced a new spelling algorithm to correct any errors in your search strings, as well as the ability to index specific personal passages from web pages. If you’re looking for how my feature works and the result is within a 4,000 word review, Google will be able to better find the answers.

The company also shared updates surrounding Google Maps results – it will bring a “live engagement” feature to millions of locations so you can tell how full the restaurant is in the real restaurant. It is also adding details about the health and safety precautions that businesses are taking during the epidemic, as well as the upcoming ability to see more information about the business in the Live View AR environment.

Most of Google’s other news has been behind the scenes for some time. For example, the company is using its duplex restaurant-calling gender technology to keep its map information accurate, with updated information about start-up time and working days. Google will also continue to work on subtopic results to deliver information around your search that may be even tangentially relevant.