9 Signs You Have Already Covid In Your Mind

Every day, more and more people are sharing stories about how COVID has changed their lives so badly – and a subset of people who may never be the same again. One patient said, “I think I have dementia.” New York Times, The chronology of patients suffering from neurological symptoms. As Covid-19 attacks your nervous system, it can affect your brain. Here are 9 features you may find; Read on, and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss this Fixed signs that you already have coronavirus.

Memory disorder
Memory disorder

“After signing the coronavirus contract in March, Michael Reagan lost all memories of his 12-day vacation in Paris, although the trip was only a few weeks ago,” he said. Times. “A few weeks after Erica Taylor recovered from her Covid-19 symptoms of baldness and cough, she was confused and forgot she had failed to identify the only Toyota Prius in her apartment complex’s parking lot, even her car.”

Feeling dizzy
Feeling dizzy

“Vertigo or vertigo has recently been described as a clinical manifestation of COVID-19. Numerous studies arising daily from different parts of the world have revealed vertigo as one of the major clinical manifestations of COVID-19,” one study said. Ears, nose and throat. “This is not surprising because vertigo has historically been associated with viral infections.”

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After waking up in the morning the woman has migraines and headaches.
After waking up in the morning the woman has migraines and headaches.

Since the brain is under fire, cognitive function is affected. “In April, a group in Japan published the first report of a person with COVID-19 who had swelling and inflammation in the brain tissue,” reports Nature. “The second report describes a patient with myelin degeneration, a fatty coating that protects neurons and can cause reversible damage in neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis.” “Neurological symptoms are just becoming increasingly scary,” Allison Muotri, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla, told the website. “

Woman is tired and can't focus on her work
Woman is tired and can’t focus on her work

A COVID-19 survey of hospitalized patients (average age 63 years) at Strasbourg University Hospital Hospital found that %%% patients had agitation, 67% had corticospinal tract signs, and 36% had difficulty concentrating. Due to, there was ‘dissexual’ syndrome. Attention, approach and following commands, ”a. New research review Published in Analysis of Neurology.

Women in the living room have an asthma crisis
Women in the living room have an asthma crisis

“Increasingly, covid survivors say that brain fog is impairing their ability to function and function normally.” Times.

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The man experiences a headache with dizziness on his head, a problem with the inner ear, brain or sensory nerve pathway.
The man experiences a headache with dizziness on his head, a problem with the inner ear, brain or sensory nerve pathway.

The head of neuro-infectious disease at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago, Dr. “Thousands of people have it,” said Igor Kornanik. Times. “The impact on the workforce that has been affected will be significant.”

An adult man with a bad headache at home
An adult man with a bad headache at home

“Headaches have symptoms like migraine, which can be suppressed in almost all patients with palpitations and / or nausea, sensations such as arousal, photophobia and / or phonophobia with regular movements and more curvature, ause baka and recovery in several days.” Clinical Pain ConsultantBut for some, the headaches never go away.

Man holding head
Man holding head

“This is happening to some, which we call ‘hyperactive delirium’, where you can get very excited and start these paranoid delusions,” says Dr. Pravin George of the Cleveland Clinic. Click on Detroit. “Some of them call this thing ‘hypoactive’, where they have this kind of inner vision and then they start having this very bad confusion.” The paper goes on to say: “George said he has seen an increase in the number of COVID-19 patients experiencing dementia. He said intensive care unit dementia is not common, especially in elderly patients and people with medical problems.”

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A sad young blonde Caucasian woman in a disposable face mask stared at him
A sad young blonde Caucasian woman in a disposable face mask stared at him

In the largest study to date of neurological symptoms in coronavirus patients of the American hospital hospital system, “about a third of the hospitalized Covid-1 patients experienced some type of altered mental function. Times. If you or anyone you know is experiencing these symptoms, contact a medical professional immediately. And for this epidemic to go for your health, don’t miss this 35 places you’re COVID most likely potential.