7 myths about face mask debunked: what you need to know about coatings, COVID-19 and your health


Even if you are not sick, you should still wear a face mask.

Sarah Tew / CNET

For the most up-to-date news and information on the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

To help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, many states in the United States have orders that masks be worn in public or in areas where social distancing not possible, according to guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even President Donald Trump, who has long refused to wear one, tweeted a photo of himself wearing a face mask, calling the mask a “patriotic act.” And on July 10, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Robert Kaplan, said that wearing masks will help the economy recover faster.

Although there is still a lot about coronavirus that is unknown, misinformation about facial coatings is circulating. CNET Scientific Editor Jackson Ryan, who has a PhD. in Medical Clinical Sciences, called anti-vaccine conspiracies “dangerous and misinformed

For example, some people who oppose the use of masks have started to wear mesh masks that “cover” the nose and mouth, but still allow the type of drops to pass. known to transmit the virus. Still others believe that they do not need to wear a mask if they are not experiencing symptoms; That is a myth that does not have the endorsement of the main health experts, doctors, scientists or national and international recommendations.

Here are seven myths about the use of face masks during the pandemic. This story is frequently updated with new information and draws recommendations from the CDC, the World Health Organization, and other health care institutions. It is intended for informational purposes and is not medical advice. If you you think you have the coronavirus, follow these steps.

read more: Where to buy a face mask online now

Myth: coronavirus is not real, so there is no need to mask

More than 15.2 million confirmed cases and almost 624,000 deaths caused by coronavirus have been reported worldwide. However, some people still believe that the virus is a hoax or an exaggeration. The United States alone has had more than 4 million confirmed cases and more than 145,000 deaths. Marketwatch reported that about one in three Americans believes that the coronavirus has not killed as many people as reported.

Many believe that a 26-minute video promoting conspiracy theories, called Plandemic, and its subsequent distribution via social media, is in part responsible for spreading the falsehoods of COVID. These falsehoods have been repeatedly debunked in the medical and scientific communities.

If you go out in public or near people who are not in your home, wear a face mask to protect yourself and others. You or the other person could be sick without your knowledge, either because asymptomatic, presymptomatic, or confuse mild symptoms with other causes, for example, allergies. People who are mildly affected can transmit the virus to other populations, including loved ones who are in increased risk to develop severe forms of COVID-19.

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Myth: masks can be made of any material as long as your face is covered

With a subset of people against the idea of ​​wearing face masks (“anti-maskers”), several online vendors offer mesh and lace masks to buy. Sellers claim that the masks are more breathable. But an open tissue does not do the job of catching large respiratory drops (speaking, coughing, and sneezing) that could contain the coronavirus.

The best masks feature a tight knit material and / or a filter pocket to help prevent respiratory droplets from passing through the mask. The most protective masks, N95 respiratorsblock 95% of small particles, including virusesBut during the pandemic they have been difficult to find and organizations have said that medical and healthcare workers should be given first drinks.

A study (PDF) from the University of Arizona found that the use of a face cover reduced the risk of infection by 24 percent for a simple cotton cover and up to 99 percent for a professional medical grade filter mask. Researchers also facial mask material ordered by range from most to least effective in his tests

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Wear a mask even when you have no symptoms.

Sarah Tew / CNET

Myth: only sick people should wear masks

Just because you’re not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms does not mean you are not sick. CDC cites more than a dozen studies showing asymptomatic or presymptomatic people can still transmit the coronavirus, even if they are not aware that they are sick.

Early WHO recommendations supported the position that healthy people did not need to wear masks, but after more evidence emerged, the organization updated its official recommendation.

To avoid passing the virus on to others, it is safer to wear a mask whenever you are around someone who is not in your home. It will help lower the risk of spreading respiratory drops talking, coughing, and sneezing.

There is increasing evidence that the the coronavirus may be in the air, which means it could stay in the air long enough for someone to breathe it and become infected. The use of a mask forms a barrier that traps drops containing virus emitted by the user. In other words, if you don’t wear a mask and breathe the same air as an infected person who also doesn’t wear a mask, your risk of getting the coronavirus increases.

Read: MIT engineers design a reusable face mask that could be as effective as an N95

Myth: Wearing a medical mask causes you to inhale more carbon dioxide.

When used properly, the masks cover the bridge of the nose (above the nostrils) and extend below the chin with no gap on the sides, completely covering the nose and mouth.

Some people suggest that medical masks (also known as surgical masks) trap exhaled carbon dioxide and make you inhale more CO2. The WHO says that prolonged use of surgical masks does not lead to CO2 poisoning or lack of oxygen.

44-homemade mask

The masks are just one step in preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

Anne Dujmovic / CNET

Myth: you don’t have to be at a social distance if you are wearing a mask

People wear masks to reduce the chance of contracting or spreading the coronavirus, as if they were in a crowded market, in the pool or lake or walking downtown. However, the WHO says that wearing masks alone is not enough to provide a sufficient amount of protection. Unlike with N95 masks, which undergo a certification process., there is no regulatory body that governs the materials or processes that enter the masks you buy or make at home.

For example, a fabric mask with only one layer of fabric is not considered as robust as a fabric mask with three layers and a filter. In the meantime, N95 masks They are certified, but after a critical shortage that puts front-line workers at risk, organizations have said they should leave them for health workers.

Along with wearing masks, you should continue to practice physical distance, wash your hands frequently, and avoid touching your face.

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Myth: masks will weaken your immune system

This myth stems from the idea that the human immune system is strengthened by exposure to bacteria and other pathogens.

The American Lung Association says there is no scientific evidence that wearing a mask weakens the immune system. However, there is evidence that young, healthy people without pre-existing conditions can become seriously ill or explain the spread of COVID-19. For example, in California as of July 15, the age group with the highest number of reported cases was 18 to 34, according to the California Department of Public Health.

According to Beaumont Health, washing your hands and wearing a mask will not negatively affect your immune system, especially in adults who have already developed immune systems. If you’re concerned about having a weakened constitution, here they are five ways to strengthen your immune system.

Myth: Cloth masks offer no protection against COVID-19

At the start of the pandemic, the coronavirus was so new that physicians were unsure to what extent the use of cloth face covers or homemade masks, compared to medical-grade surgical masks or N95 masks, would help prevent the spread of virus.

However, studies have suggested that a mask over the nose and mouth works as a physical barrier against respiratory droplets that can transport and spread the coronavirus. Although a cloth cover alone can’t completely prevent someone from acquiring the coronavirus, CDC Director Robert Redfield said July 14 that if everyone wore a mask, it would be possible to contain the spread of COVID.

Other countries that required the use of masks early in the pandemic have seen the spread of the coronavirus decrease, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Do you need more information about masks? Here it is where can you buy one online, how to make your mask more comfortable and the best and worst materials to protect against coronavirus.

The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical or health advice. Always consult a doctor or other qualified healthcare provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.