5 Unbeatable Trends to Invest in 1,000 for 2021

The finish line is finally in sight. In 17 days, the curtain will close on 2020 (thanks) and we look forward to a brighter year in 2021.

The same is true for the investment community. Although S&P 500 On track to deliver a double-digit advantage this year, it has been nothing but an easy journey. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine should be featured next year, employing federal stimulus dollars, and historically imposing low interest rates. That’s the decent thing to do, and it should end there.

However, throwing a dart at the newspaper’s finance section is not a wise strategy for stock-picking. If you want to make some serious bank in 2021, you should consider taking $ 1000 and working hard in these five stopped trends.

The colored number that spells 2021 lying above the fan cycle of cash bills.

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1. U.S. Marijuana

If you haven’t noticed, North American marijuana stocks have been hot for most of the year. But when the choice is made, the U.S. Disposal of pot stocks has a significantly larger market, with very few barriers.

U.S. before 2023 There is no prospect of federal cannabis being legalized in (both Georgia Senate run of Democrats short of January), and due to state-level legalizations. The federal government is signaling that it will take an approach to state-level regulation, U.S. There is not much in marijuana stocks.

For example, Green Thumb Industries (OTC: GTBIF) 2021 should be very profitable on a full year basis. Green Thumb has 50 operational dispensaries, but has licenses to open as many as 96 in a dozen states. In particular, Green Thumb has chosen to focus on Nevada, which should lead the country in per capita spending by the mid-decade, and Illinois, a potential ડો 1 billion market that raised the green flag on adult consumption sales in January 2011. , 2020.

A lock contains a key surrounded by dozens of alphanumeric codes.

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2. Cyber ​​security

One of the many things we have learned in 2020 is that cyber security is not an option. .Lata, it is a basic need service that businesses of all sizes will need to move forward. As the world becomes more digital, the responsibility of securing enterprise and customer data falls on cybersecurity companies.

According to Grand View Research, the global cybersecurity market is projected to grow 10% annually, with sales of વેચાણ 326.4 billion by 2027. This may not be the fastest growing industry in 2021, or in the next few years; But it has a safe structure for any high-growth industry.

A name that really excites me here Crowdstrike Holdings (Nasdaq: CRWD). CrowdStrike’s cloud-native Falcon platform is cheaper than premises non-premises security solutions, and is responsible for monitoring 3 trillion events per week. Most recently, the company announced that 61% of its customers now have four or more cloud module subscriptions, more than double the 27% from three years ago. Consider the opportunity to buy any significant pullback.

Doctors and nurses who perform virtual consultations with a senior physician.

Image Source: Getty Images.

3. Individual / precision medicine

Even if the number of successful vaccines stops in 2021, it is clear that healthcare services designed to personalize the treatment process and improve convenience will remain hot longer.

Despite differing estimates on Wall Street, most analysts are calling for an annual growth of 10% to 12% of global precision medicine over the next five to seven years. Again, not the fastest growing industry, but one with an exceptionally safe floor.

A quick look at the telemedicine company’s operating operating performance Teladok Health (NYSE: TDOC) Explains how powerful and sustainable the drug trend can be. Teladok has seen more than three times more virtual visits during the COVID-19 crisis than during the previous year. However, between 2013 and 2019 sales increased by 74% annually. With the acquisition of Teledock-applied health signal company Livongo Health in cash and stock deals, it will now be able to remotely monitor patients with chronic illnesses, connect patients with virtual physicians, and cross-promote its products with ease.

An entrepreneur suppressing the digital cloud who is sending signals to a number of wireless devices.

Image Source: Getty Images.

4. Cloud Infrastructure

Another smart way to put $ 1000 to work in 2021 is to invest in cloud infrastructure stocks. I have no doubt that we will see all aspects of the cloud coming in next year. But in the wake of the epidemic, businesses have realized how important it is to have a presence online, and how crucial data-sharing and remote work can be. That’s why cloud building blocks will be such a hot item next year.

Last year, IDC released a five-year forecast on public cloud service and infrastructure development, calling for a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.3% between 2019 and 2023. In particular, infrastructure-as-a-service stocks are expected to be the fastest growing trend within the cloud (CAGR of 32%).

Though Amazon The clear share of cloud infrastructure services is the share leader, that is Alphabet (Nasdaq: Google)(Nasdaq: Google) It offers the best growth potential. Alphabet’s Google Cloud is growing much faster than Amazon Web Services. Google Cloud generates even better margins for Alphabet than its ad-based revenue. Over time, this lucrative period should seriously increase its operating cash flow.

Laid together several rows of gold bars.

Image Source: Getty Images.

5. Gold miners

You may not think gold stocks have stopped, but in 2021 they could give Wall Street a serious shock. With nearly 17 17 trillion in negative investment-grade global investment-grade debt and the Fed releasing an unlimited quantitative easing program to support the US financial markets, it makes the perfect scenario for physical gold to shine.

At the same time, we have seen gold miners reduce their net debt over the last five to seven years by selling non-core assets and focusing on high yielding ore mining. Because of the price of physical gold spikes, gold stocks have long been enjoying their best economic position.

Yemen gold (NYSE: AUY) Is a name that should be the main beneficiary of the high gold price. Yamana has reduced its net debt over the past five years, while increasing its output to Cerro Morrow while billing online and its Canadian malaric mine, where it has a 50% stake. Yemen’s operating cash flow should increase further in 2021 as production of its gold equivalent ounce increases by double digits and peaks at 1 million.