400 politicians around the world are pushing Jeff Bezos to raise wages, pay more taxes

Jeff Bezos has been hit with notices by 400 politicians around the world, demanding that Amazon clean up its operations as a global corporate citizen.

Amazon $ Amazon In a letter to Amazon’s chief 56-year-old chief executive, the world’s richest man with સંપ 1 billion in assets, the leaders say the world knows that Amazon can pay its workers, its environmental costs and its taxes. That company is “dodged and fired [its] Debts to workers, societies and the planet. “

Among the signatories to the letter were U.S. Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talaib and the Vice President of the European Parliament, Heidi Hautala, as well as a number of members of the United Kingdom Parliament and leaders from Turkey, France and Greece.

They point out that Bezos’ fortunes have skyrocketed during the epidemic as consumers stock up on essentials and turn to shopping online more than ever before to avoid COVID-19.

To achieve its commitment to zero emissions by 2030, Amazon wants to pay its workers in all warehouses – claiming that Amazon’s carbon footprint is “more than two-thirds of the world’s countries” – and ensuring the privacy and transparency of its customers Data.

Amazon’s employees, “the report said,” enter into a dangerous working situation, whether or not their pay increases slightly, and retaliate for their efforts to protect themselves and their colleagues. “

Politicians also consider Amazon’s tax contribution.

The report states that by dodging the letter global tax you are undermining the public provision of health, education, housing, social security and infrastructure.

Amazon did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but said in a statement to The Independent: “While we, as a large company, welcome the scrutiny of policy makers, the issues raised in this letter are misleading or self-defeating. Were. Interesting groups that seem to be using Amazon’s profile to further their personal reasons. “