4 new Fortnite LTM leaked: tank battles, recovery and more

The Fortnite World Cup was one of the largest open tournaments in the history of electronic sports. Those who participated in the event received $ 50,000 just for qualifying, with the possibility of winning millions if they won. The competition made many people’s careers, and players were still touting their ratings and locations a year later.

The event brought together Fortnite players from around the world to compete for bragging rights and a huge bag of cash. It also opened the door for some organizations to capitalize on hopeful professional players. A Chinese organization, Newbee, is now being accused of stealing the qualified money from two of its professionals, XXM and xMende.

Rhidax, a Fortnite trainer in the EU and Asia regions, posted a tweet thread on July 21 in which he presented the allegations against Newbee. The organization has been accused of fixing matches in Dota 2, which led to its dissolution. “Newbee caught his players on contracts and stole all the Fortnite prize money from the WC, including 2 World Cup qualifiers. ($ 100,000 + stolen),” wrote Rhidax.

Rhidax also posted screenshots of one of the pros, WenQian, who is one of the players who has allegedly stolen their rating money. In the conversation, he appears to be defeated, seeing little or no chance of getting his money back now that the organization has disappeared.

As Rhidax wrote, “This also explains the whole situation of ‘why 2 World Cup qualifiers left the game immediately’, I would not play if 50k had been stolen from me.”

Another prominent Fortnite trainer, DestinysJesus, responded to the tweet thread, suggesting that this may be the largest organization scam in eSports history. Rhidax replied: “Be amazed if there is an organization that scams more than this in Fortnite.

Newbee has yet to respond to these allegations, making it unclear exactly how much truth there is in them. However, if these statements are true, they can trigger an investigation into all of your past behaviors. Newbee has been a major player in Dota 2 for years, with allegations of match-fixing emerging earlier this year. Will there be any repercussions for this now dissolved organization? Only time will tell.