3 ways Donald Trump could benefit from the death of the U.S. postal service

  • The United States Postal Service has just announced that it is reducing hours across the board.
  • This reduction will lead to delays in mail delivery.
  • A decrease in mail delivery will make it harder to imagine a mail-in election by 2020. And that’s just one way Trump will benefit from the collapse of the USPS.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) shows early signs of extinction. Donald Trump is probably ecstatic.

The USPS has just announced that it will reduce overtime across the board. According to the Chicago Sun-Times, that could cause delays in mail delivery “for a day or more due to cost reduction efforts imposed by the new postmaster general.”

The United States Postal Service is a massive institution that helps form the foundation of our nation. It uses zero tax dollars to function. It charges less money than UPS, FedEx or DHL. The USPS is one of the only institutions that provides services to rural Americans. It is a genuine service to the American people. And she urgently needs help.

Even “Spider Jorts” understands it. Why is our president not? The | Source: Twitter

Democrats have proposed a $ 25 billion increase to keep our mail moving. Republicans have kept that money in limbo.

Congress approved a $ 10 billion line of credit, but the Trump administration imposed severe restrictions that have kept the money unused.

Why is the current regime so bent on drowning the life of such a vital American service?

Here are the top three reasons.

Three ways Trump will benefit from the collapse of the U.S. postal service.

1. The 2020 elections

The 2020 election is probably one of the most pressing concerns for the Trump administration. His regime has tragically failed in its response to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, we have requested an election by mail to mitigate the risk of meeting in person.

And Donald Trump is giving him a difficult pass.

Is anyone concerned about more accessible surveys? The | Source: Twitter

He has repeatedly criticized the idea, alleging that it leads to electoral fraud. His Republican colleagues disagree.

Senator Deb Fischer said:

It worked well in Nebraska. We had a tremendous turnout in the primaries in May. There are no problems I have heard from our secretary of state. It works well.

Why is Donald Trump resisting the idea?

It’s simple. The more people vote, the less likely they are to win. According to Monmouth University, more voters have ruled out Trump than Joe Biden.

Trump has been grooming his shrinking fan base to avoid fear of the virus. They won’t be the ones to stay home if we vote in person.

And if the US Postal Service continues its decline until November, Trump will say it is not up to the monumental task of delivering the ballots.

Trump has his man in his place. The | Source: Twitter

The new Postmaster General supporting Trump, Louis DeJoy, is already lining up.

2. Take revenge on an old enemy

It seems that Donald Trump has a personal revenge against the richest man in the world.

He has repeatedly attacked Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on Twitter. It has asked the United States Postal Service to increase its prices on Amazon.

Trump tries to mobilize the USPS against Jeff Bezos. The | Source: Twitter

Despite Trump’s claims, Amazon has really helped USPS.

But Bezos has The Washington Post, a historically anti-Trump publication.

In turn, Trump is trying to arm the USPS against Bezos and Amazon. If he succeeds, Trump will get the kind of massive ego boost he desperately craves.

3. What about that pension fund?

The United States Postal Service is spending money, that’s no secret. Trump wants you to believe it is because he is not charging companies like Amazon enough money.

But a much bigger reason is the huge financial obligation that you owe to your pension fund.

Everything changed for the USPS when they were forced to pre-finance their pensions.

US Congressman Peter DeFazio explains:

The pre-financing mandate policy is based on the absurd notion of paying retirement funds for people who are not yet working, and may never work for the Postal Service.

The USPS is required to pre-finance the retirements not only of its 600,000 employees but, apparently, of people who have not yet hired.

In 2006, Congress passed a law requiring the USPS to pre-finance approximately $ 110 billion in retiree health care services.

As this pension fund grows to epic proportions, the question arises: if the United States Postal Service collapses, who gets all that sweet pension money?

Bernie Sanders called him in April. The | Source: Twitter

Mark Dimondstein, leader of the American Postal Workers Union, said In these times they could be friends with the president,

(In 2018) The White House openly asked for the opportunity to sell the post office to private corporations. His agenda is to enrich some of his friends in the private sector at the expense of the people of our country.

The disappearance of the United States Postal Service could give Trump another electoral victory, allow revenge against an enemy, and give him literally billions of dollars.

The next time you criticize the USPS, remember what you can earn if you believe it.

Click here and here to help save the USPS.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.

Last Modified: July 19, 2020 2:01 AM UTC