3 takeaways from the New York Times / Siena College College poll

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In a normal year, this would be a good time for the political press. Rallying in the swing states, leaving candidates behind, we will leave the country behind, living outside suitcases and hotel minibars.

I believe everyone is now drinking in their home office fees.

But, alas, at least we still have the vote! The New York Times has finally taken full action between now and election day, with the first batch of potential voters coming from four major war-torn states: Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire and Wisconsin.

In addition to showing a lasting lead for Biden, the results show how some of the chaos of this unpredictable year is being processed – from the deadly coronavirus epidemic to racial justice protests.

Here are some of the biggest ones:

President Trump is taking advantage of the economy, but Mr. Biden is winning over the response to the virus.

Even in the recession, Mr. Trump has maintained his position on economic issues. In our poll, half of voters in Wisconsin and Minnesota said they believe the president will do a better job on the economy, compared to what 45 percent of people also said about Mr. Biden. Some of Mr. Trump’s assessments among conscientious voters as a successful businessman and bargaining power probably stem from a static image.

Mr. Biden is not able to compare the President on economic issues, the voters of those two complex states see him as a steady hand to guide the country through the epidemic. Fifty-two percent said Mr. Biden would do better to deal with the coronavirus crisis, while only 1 percent said about Mr. Trump.

A majority of voters in all four states also agree with Mr Biden’s position on the virus, saying the federal government’s priority should be to limit its spread, even if it hurts the economy.

Voters don’t buy Mr. Trump’s calls for “law and order,” but they do acknowledge some of his false attacks on Mr. Biden over policing.

For weeks, Mr. Trump has warned Democrats will present a national wave of chaos, chaos and looting. While the polls show signs of voters’ growing concern about violence, Mr. Trump’s message doesn’t seem to be connecting.

When asked if the country’s biggest problem is “riots in American cities” or “racism in the criminal justice system”, half of voters said racism and 43 percent said riots. In Minnesota and Wisconsin – where George Floyd was assassinated and Jacob Blake was shot – 53 percent believe Mr. Trump has promoted violence in America. And more voters said they trust Mr. Biden to better manage opposition and race relations than the president.

But that doesn’t mean Mr Biden and his team should win. Voters were divided on issues such as “law and order” and which candidate to trust more to handle violent crime.

And some of the attacks on Mr. Biden by Mr. Trump, while untrue, seem to be working. Fort Fort percent of those surveyed in the two Midwestern states said Mr. Biden supported defaming the police – Mr. Biden has repeatedly said they do not have. And 55 percent said Mr. Biden did not do enough to condemn violent rioting, despite his clear condemnation of injustice.

Mr. Trump’s predictions of suburban chaos do not work in the suburbs.

Mr. Trump has made no secret of his willingness to intimidate suburban voters in his support, warning that Mr. Biden will “destroy”, trying to ignite racist fears about affordable housing.Dream suburban lifestyle

Suburbs aren’t buying it: In four states, Mr. Biden is far ahead of Mr. Trump in the number of voters living in the suburbs. Most suburban voters in Wisconsin and Minnesota say they are not concerned about the prospect of apartment building, the development of subsidized housing or the influx of residents with government housing vouchers in their neighborhoods – Mr. Trump has campaigned for closure.

Mr. Trump’s ability to rob suburban voters could determine the election. Republicans have lost the suburbs only three times since 1980: in 1992, 1996 and 2008. Democrats won the presidency in those three years.

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Jerry Brown kept checking his weather app. The former governor of California, who has long warned of the impending global warming disaster, was heading north of Sacramento and could not see the air quality particularly well due to a nearby wildfire. Or rather, he could tell how bad he was by what he could do No See.

Mr. Brown told me on the phone from Williams, Calif., On Sunday, “I’ve never seen such a vague view of the mountains 1000 yards away from me.” It’s very vague. I see oak trees. It’s very difficult to see the mountains. Everyone is looking at their weather app here. ”

Which he did. “I’m going to go to my weather app,” Mr. Brown said. “I’m going to Williams. I see unhealthy air. “With a little more investigation, she was surprised that the air where she lived was worse than Los Angeles, a symbol of fog at one time. Not as bad.)

Mr. Brown spoke on the eve of President Trump’s visit to California. Mr Trump on Monday blamed poor forest management for the wildfires. But Mr. Brown said Blaze is a sharp reminder of the long-term costs of Mr. Trump’s aggressive campaign to repeal environmental protections.

“Trump is acting in a way that is detrimental to the people of America and the world because of his environmental denial and because of his relentless campaign to undermine even the most sensitive environmental action.” “It is also contributing to air pollution and deterioration in people’s health.”

What if Mr. Brown had said face-to-face with Mr. Trump if he were still the governor instead of Gavin News and greeted him on a visit on Monday?

Probably not. “Even if you tell him that now that you’re asking for billions of dollars – I think I’ll wait a few days,” Mr Brown said.

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