3 companies should worry Tesla in 2021

Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) The market cap surpassed ડ 400 billion in 2020 as investors bought into everything from Tesla’s growth to its future as an auto technology company. And investors are excited about Tesla’s future, whether it’s easy to struggle with automotive rivals to advance in electric vehicle production. But let’s be honest, even the smallest breakdown in the growth or technology story could sink Tesla’s stock.

Our three stupid contributors believe that Tesla’s approach in 2021 has some disruptive powers and they should worry Elon Musk and company. The challenges range from Cruise’s autonomous technology to Revion’s rival vehicles SolarJage (Nasdaq: SEDG) storage Rja storage ambitions. Here’s why these companies are worth seeing in 2021.

Cruise origin in the city atmosphere.

Image Source: Cruise.

Real autonomous driving

Travis Hoyium (Cruise): Elon Musk has been claiming for years that Tesla is an industry leader in autonomous driving and has been annoyed by the release of the self-driving Tesla fleet. But with any objective move, Tesla continues to lag behind competitors in autonomous driving technology and rich Tesla buyers have no reason to believe they are ready to drive their $ 50,000 + vehicle to make some money on riders on Friday night.

Major companies diving into the autonomous driving business are doing so in a way that goes far beyond vehicle ownership. They are developing technology that will run autonomous ride-sharing and also create a ride-sharing service. One that Tesla should really be afraid of is Cruz’s subsidiary General Motors (NYSE: GM), Because it is better to drive autonomously and create a business that will make car ownership obsolete.

According to Navigant Research, there are more than a dozen companies that have both better strategy and better performance in self-driving technology than Tesla. In fact, Navigant calls Cruz the “leader” and Tesla the only “challenge” in space. Elon Musk himself has admitted that “self-driving” is not exactly what his name suggests. Here’s his comment during the 2020 earnings call for the first quarter: “On Aut Topilot, we released a new software update for new traffic lights in March for early users and for US customers last week with a full self-driving package. The car will now automatically stop at every stop sign or traffic light until our driver is confirmed to be moving. “

Teslas is just starting to recognize stop signs and traffic lights. Cruise, meanwhile, covered 831,040 autonomous miles in California during 2019, while Tesla did 12.2 autonomous miles. You read that exactly, 12.2 miles. When it comes to fully autonomous driving, Tesla lags far behind the Cruise and should be a concern for investors.

Ultimately the biggest concern is what autonomous driving can bring to transportation. The cruise showed an original concept vehicle earlier this year, which has no driver and is designed to transport people comfortably around cities. The vehicle is designed not only to compete with Tesla for space in people’s garages, but also to change vehicle ownership altogether.

Cruise has not only beaten Tesla in autonomous driving, but it is also trying to advance the whole model of the business behind the vehicles that are Tesla’s core business. In 2021, if Cruise launches its self-driving service as planned, it should be very concerned about Tesla.

Going after profitable exclusivity

Howard Smith (Revion): One of the more promising players in the electric vehicle (U.S.) sector seems to be one that does not trade in public. But some big names have been noted. Ford Motor (NYSE: F) He is hedging his bets on his popular – and profitable – when he invested million 500 million in an electric truck start-up revision in 2019.

Rivian plans to start delivering its electric R1T pickup truck and R1S SUV in the summer of 2021. The company is billing both as “adventure” vehicles, and fans with the EV device can wander from Tesla to them.

On display are the Revion R1T pickup and R1 SUV

Image source: Revian.

The R1T pickup will start at $ 69,000 and the R1S at $ 72,500. For EV devotees, there is a lot to choose from. Both will increase the speed from 0 to 60 mph in 3 seconds and provide 750 horsepower. The company says they will also be able to navigate through three-foot deep water, and its battery range will be up to about 400 miles. The vehicles will be manufactured at Rivian’s 2.6 million square foot production facility in the general city of Illinois.

In addition to the two adventure trucks, Rivian also aims to supply Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN) Last mile with delivery van. Amazon led a 700 700 million investment in the company in February 2019. He also participated in a રોકાણ 1.3 billion investment round in December with Ford and others. Rivian announced its most recent investment round in July 2020, where it secured an 2.5 2.5 billion security. It is clear that the company has been funded in production with many interested parties.

Revian is not a recent start-up. It was founded in 2009 by Ryan Scarring. Rivia has designed the “skateboard” chassis, which includes four electric motors, air suspension, battery management and other systems below four-wheel height. It is designed for off-road capabilities.

While these features won’t take the business away from Tesla’s Model 3 customers, Rivin thinks it will be on the radar of high-end EV customers. If this EV design of the popular truck and SUV category is as profitable as the internal combustion engine versions, Tesla will have a new competitor in less than a year who will see it on its shoulders.

Another big winner entering the storage and EV business

Jason Hall (Solar Age): After being declared nearly five years ago, SolarJage shares are an incredible 806%. There are benefits similar to those of Tesla during that period, and a significant run on the company’s success in dominating the module-level power electronics business for residential and commercial solar distributed in the U.S.

Yet, that’s not quite a risk for Tesla. The electronics it makes are really important to solar panel manufacturers and founders like Tesla, because of how it comes to the solar power grid.

But as we move forward into 2021, the Solar Edge presents, if not a threat, then certainly the reality that Tesla itself will not have the RZA storage and electric vehicle markets themselves. Solargen has been pushing hard to diversify the EV and battery markets, and 2021 will be a big year for both.

As a major supplier of solar electronics in the residential market, Solar Edge has a vast network of installers and distributors with which it works, and has a strong reputation. Its storageJage residential battery system is a lock to take market share from the fast-growth battery business that Tesla has been at the forefront of so far.

Tesla’s leadership in the EV is in part due to its integration. Traditional auto tomers have spent several years trying to catch up, working with suppliers to establish a supply chain for EV components. This presents a huge opportunity for SolarJage, which is already in production with several leading supply tomekers to supply powertrain components.

2021 is considered to be a very important year for EV and energy conservation. Tesla will face more competition than ever before, and Solar Edge is a big winner that will threaten Tesla’s dominance in its two most important businesses.

Threats to Tesla are on the horizon

Tesla has been a stumbling block to its entire history as a company, but it is now the most valuable automaker in the world and that makes it a target. Whether you’re looking at autonomous driving, electric trucks or energy storage, there could be threats that Tesla isn’t ready in 2021.