The animation depicts a star sucked by a supermassive black hole during a “whimsical disruption event” experiencing spaghettiization. It is a popular misconception that black holes behave like cosmic vacuum cleaners, sucking anything around them wildly. In reality, only material beyond the event horizon, including light material, swallows and cannot …
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White Sox fire manager Rick Renteria after a disappointing playoff elimination
Chicago White Sox and manager Rick Renteria have agreed to participate, The team made the announcement in a statement Monday. Chicago White Sox and manager Rick Renteria have agreed to participate after the 2020 season. Rick Heane, general manager / senior vice president of the White Sox, made the announcement …
Read More »Bank of England asks banks in the UK how much they are prepared for a negative interest rate
General view of the Bank of England on September 27, 2020 in London, England. Peter Summer / Getty Images Bank of England has written to British banks asking for information on how much they are prepared for the monetary policy of adopting negative interest rates. “We are making a definite …
Read More »The tourist returns the stolen artefacts to Pompeii after enduring a ‘curse’ for 15 years
(CNN) – The Canadian woman returned five artefacts she had taken from Pompeii in 2005 and said they had been “unlucky”. The woman, identified as Nicole, sent two white mosaic tiles, two pieces of amphora vase and a piece of ceramic wall to Pompeii Archaeological Park, along with a letter …
Read More »The Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to the Americans Paul R. Milgram and Robert B. Wilson goes to auction for innovation
Stockholm Two American economists won the Nobel Prize on Monday for their research on how the telecom companies receive airwaves from the government, the way Google sells advertising, research that emphasizes the importance of today’s economy. Paul R. of both “Stanford University”. Milgom and Robert b. Wilson’s discovery “has benefited …
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