Monthly Archives: October 2020

Shares of Tesla fell 7% despite record car sales

The electric auto maker delivered a total of 139,300 cars in the quarter – easily clearing the previous record of 112,000 cars delivered in the last three months of 2019 before the epidemic-affected production and delivery. Tesla’s growth also surpassed other traditional auto tomakers, most of which reported lower third-quarter …

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Covid-19 Denied Trump, Bolsonaro and Johnson all got the virus

The world’s most powerful leader has tested positive for coronavirus. President Donald Trump confirmed his diagnosis in a tweet early Friday morning, joining a growing list of world leaders infected with the virus. The list includes many leaders who have slammed or misrepresented the epidemic on issues including Brazilian President …

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Salmonella outbreaks are attached to this popular houseplant

Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDCs) are telling owners to avoid kissing and throwing away popular pets at home – no matter how cute – after 32 cases of salmonella have been linked to hedgehogs. Thirty-two people in 17 states were infected with Salmonella typhimurium in five hospitals by the …

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