Monthly Archives: October 2020

Covid: 16,000 coronavirus cases missed daily after IT error

Image copyright pyrite P.A. Media About 16,000 cases of coronavirus have not been entered into the national computer system used for official diagrams due to technical defects, Public Health England said. Some unreported cases then joined the 12,872 new cases on Saturday and 22,961 on Sunday. PHE said those who …

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Proud Boys’ Twitter hashtag taken by LGBTQ Love’s photo

Twitter users have re-asserted the proud Boys’ hashtag with photos and tweets depicting LGBTQ’s love in an attempt to draw the attention of the controversial group. It is not clear whose idea it was, but it is believed that the campaign was thanks to pressure from actor George Tekai, who …

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Covid-19 links vitamin D deficiency with severity ‘significant’

According to a new paper from Irish and UK scientists, people have “nothing to lose”, and much more, by taking vitamin D supplements as protection during the Covid-19 epidemic. Evidence linking vitamin D deficiency to covid-19 disease severity is “circumstantial but significant,” according to a co-written paper by Kenny, professor …

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